AMPU Guide: Common Cross-cultural Communication Challenges - PBS The types of attitude in psychology that is often stated are. Semblably in birds, beasts, and fishes, some be good for the sustenance of man; some bear things profitable to sundry uses; other be apt to occupation and labor; in divers is strength and fierceness only; in many is both strength and commodity; some other serve for pleasure; none of them hath all these qualities; few have the more part or many, specially beauty, strength . DADABHOY: Yes. Those are all the kind of competing forces that are playing upon him. Gives a prose account of intriguing females such as Eve, Jezebel, etc. HAND Children are the Future. The idle poor and the deserving poor. And there was a wide diversity, right? Elizabethan Attitudes Toward Venice - Apethello - Google Abstract. It was edited by Gail Kern Paster. 1) How did the city of Venice treat people of different cultures and faiths? Published May 25, 2021. Then Cyprus represents being in that border region where one can potentially go native in a certain context. Away from the luxury of the monarchy in the Elizabethan era, life for ordinary people was often hard and the number of poor people increased during Elizabeth's . Cross-cultural differences in explicit attitudes towards emotion regulation. I think for me it was really interesting to follow the use and mobilization of that word in the play. For the Folger Shakespeare Library, Im Folger Director Michael Witmore. We go back thinking about the Middle Ages and the popularity of certain kinds of romance forms. At least thats how the narrative gets told, right? DADABHOY: Luckily, it wasnt my advisor. In some places the youngest is sole heir: and in some places after an other fashion. And a question that comes up a lot is this: When did the concept of race begin to appear? Religion in Elizabethan England - Hartford Stage We're at a moment in time when we need to do more than tolerate each other. What does each place represent? DADABHOY: That was my introduction to this play. DADABHOY: It was directed at the Black population, who are identified as having come from Spain. Thank you so much. The air, which next to the fire, is most pure in substance, is in the second sphere or place. Erin Meyer, professor at INSEAD, discusses management hierarchy and decision-making across cultures. ELIZABETHAN BLACKNESS 5-18-21 [00:16:05]DADABHOY: I dont think its the origins of racial thinking, but I think its a very powerful example of how race is already being understood, operating in a shorthand that is legible to audiences. Behold also the order that God hath put generally in all his creatures, beginning at the most inferior or base, and ascending upward. Question and Links - 2. How have attitudes towards women The period with which we are concerned here - let us say the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries - is well known as one in which the amount of scientific information about the world increased dramatically. How knoweth he by the virtue of his understanding the inward and secret motions of beasts? And, I mean, its complicated. Well, now we do have a fuller picture of the context for Othello. Early Elizabethan England - Attitudes to poverty People's attitudes toward the supernatural (paranormal, ghosts, mysterious happenings, witches, etc.) In the early modern period, we had lots of forms of corporal punishment and, sort of, the display of the heads of traitors and things like that on the walls of the city. Only a few, and recent, studies demonstrate the existence of different cultural atti-tudes towards money in a single national context (Medina, Throughout the play, we see a difficult relation between Othello, a black man, Desdemona, a white woman and the everyone. "The Deceit of Women, Instruction and Example of all Men, Young and Old, Newly Corrected," 1560: Begins with a pictorial warning to husbands in a woodcut on the title-page presenting a woman astride her spouse, flogging him as he goes on all fours. University of North Florida UNF Digital Commons What this study adds to existing knowledge To the best of our . Elizabeth's reign was seen as a 'golden age' of culture, with theatre becoming popular across all of society, and it's also when . The Chinese. DADABHOY: English people are already trainedand we have scholars like Anthony Barthelemy has talked about this in his book Black Face, Maligned Race, where the image of blackness, as associated with sin, with the devil, all of these things, makes it quite easy to map onto then Black people these kinds of characteristics. He made not only herbs to garnish the earth, but also trees of a more eminent nature than herbs. Content may require purchase if you do not have access. [14] The history of fairies, though debatable, is rich and magical. Now a father may dispose of his inheritance to his children at his pleasure: yea, even disinherit the eldest upon just occasions, and prefer the youngest, according to his liking; make them beggars or rich at his pleasure; restrain, or banish out of his presence, as he finds them give cause of offence, or restore them in favor again with the penitent sinner. In part, however, the Elizabethan Age was a success because men had at their disposal new and exciting areas, both of mind and geography, into which to channel their energies. And here is a good guy. Then after this battle, we have a new king, who is al-Mansur. Different Types of Attitudes of People As Per Psychology - Styles At Life In whose power it is not to know the least part of it, much less to command the same. Also where there is any lack of order, needs must be perpetual conflict. And also directed at slaves? DADABHOY: Yes. They have power to exalt low things and abase high things, and make of their subjects like men at the chess: a pawn to take a bishop or a knight, and to cry up or down any of their subjects, as they do their money. Elizabethan Attitudes Towards Africa by - Prezi Thanks for listening. Dr. Dadabhoy was interviewed by Barbara Bogaev. The common wealth is judged by that which is most ordinarily and commonly done through the whole realm. And were going to talk about that in a moment, but I should get back to what we were talking about, which is: in Shakespeares time, by the late 1500s or early 1600s, does this history mean that English people already associate dark skin with enslavement and servitude? But, a very racist city who would only allow Catholics to enter the city. And lastly, as for the head of the natural body, the head has the power of directing all the members of the body to that use which the judgment in th head thinks most convenient. Aflame with jealousy, Othello snarls at his innocent wife: "I took you for that cunning whore of Venice/That married with Othello" (4.2.91-92). I mean, that has, I think, troubled this play so much in terms of where does the Moor fit into this discourse about empire? Our cultural values influence how we approach living. Women who didn't marry were considered witches by their neighbors, and for lower class women, the only alternative was a life of servitude to wealthier families. She rode on horseback, or on a litter, carried above the eye-level of the crowd. For example, questions such as the following might sound natural to you: An Exhortation Concerning Good Order, and Obedience to Rulers and Magistrates," Sermon preached in all English Churches in 1547: ALmighty God hath created and appointed all things in heaven, earth, and waters, in a most excellent and perfect order. The Chinese also present the world with unique architectural, political, and religious systems . So the Battle of Alcazar is this famous battle of Alccer Quibir, which is famous in Europe becauseand its called the Battle of Three Kingsbecause three kings end up dying in this battle. Eurocentric views that African men are barbaric, illiterate, promiscuous studs (good enough only to be used in servitude as the white man's property) have been perpetuated through time and space. elizabethan attitudes towards different cultures - if the sepia [cuttlefish] is struck with a trident, the male comes to help the female, but the female makes her escape if the male is struck. I mean, does negro becomes the freighted word or a slur or a conflation of color into race? Top 10 Different Cultures Around the World - The Spanish Group Find out more about saving content to Dropbox. In the upper classes, marriage was seen as a means of gaining property, friends, and allies; therefore, marriages among wealthy landowners were more likely arranged than those among people from lower classes. DADABHOY: But even that is so problematic, right? And how Shakespeares audiences would have come in contact with darker skinned people and what their impressions might have been? She is also more shameless and false, more readily deceived, and more mindful of injury, more watchful, more idle, and on the whole less excitable than the male. I think Othello falls into that trap too, when he begins to doubt Desdemonas love for him and one of the thingsor her fidelity, when he talks about how nature erring from itself in terms of talking about Desdemonas. It must be because Im Black that she is now unfaithful to me, right? The Elizabethan society had a very conservative outlook on things. As your awareness of culture increases, your attitude toward cultural difference likewise evolves. OF THE POWER AND PLACE OF KINGS AND PRINCES. The English-izing of all these names is really confusing, yeah. Really, for me, one of the things that is interesting to think about with this character is that he also represents like, this is a character that owes a lot to the kinds of issues that we see come up in George Peeles The Battle of Alcazar. It showed a change in attitude towards the poor by the Elizabethans as it made sure that financial help was collected. Attitudes Towards Cultural Differences - New York Essays Shakespeare first explores Elizabethan attitudes towards women when Desdemona is first mentioned in scene one. BOGAEV: But we should know this! DADABHOY: Because its, I saw his visage in his mind. Does that mean you didnt see his visage that the whole world can see? Differences in attitudes towards disclosure. I think there is a preconceived notion for people who dont go deep into the scholarship on race. Dadabhoy held fellowships at the Folger in 2011 and 2016, and participated in a Folger NEH Summer Institute Shakespeare from the Globe to the Global in 2011. DADABHOY: Yeah. Certainly, I dont think it was the first play to do so, but it was the play that really centered on Morocco, focused on presenting this Moorish villain character whose racial Blackness becomes that Blackness gives the reason for his villainy. Results were analyzed for 52 fifth- and sixth-grade children and 52 older adults, and comparisons made on the basis of age, sex and amount of intergenerational contact. Because your work, it really puts a different spin on Othello, and it also puts such a different spin on the traditional thinking about The Renaissance, with a capital T and a capital R. I mean as you put it in your essay, Empires built on exploitation, on bondage, on enslavement, on genocide of Indigenous people, and you ask in that same paragraph, How can we have this glorious, early modern period if its also implicated in all of those things? How do you answer that question? What Are the Benefits of Understanding Different Cultures? - Les Elfes By 1640 a majority of men, and just possibly a majority of men and women, could read, and there . As you can imaginelike pretty much anything involving the subject of racethats a controversial question. There be three principal similitudes that illustrates the state of monarchy. It requires understanding all of the kinds of violences that enabled these empires to exist. Many of their viewpoints were substantiated from their dominant influence of Christianity, whether Protestant or Catholic. Has data issue: true of your Kindle email address below. ; . Cultural difference in attitudes towards stuttering among British, Arab and Chinese students: Considering home and host cultures Int J Lang Commun Disord. When facing differences between the company and foreign cultures, different people have different attitudes which can be listed as being ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric. Michael de Montaigne, An Apology of Raymond Sebond, 1568: Is it possible to imagine anything so ridiculous as this miserable and wretched creature which is not so much as master of himself exposed, and subject to offenses of all things, and yet dareth call himself master and emperor of this universe? Yet, Shakespeare's plays were not originally conceived for other than performative ends4.Any reflexion on the introduction or use of his plays in cultural studies should therefore take live . That is exactly what is happening in this play. Thats also another reason why I think about this play so much, is because even if race wasnt relevant in the period or to this play, if I teach it right now, in the 21st century, it is relevant. She is not talking about Spanish people in that edict, right? The impact of foreigners on a community or a culture is affected, obviously enough, both by the opportunities for contact and knowledge that exist, and by the framework of assumptions within which information about foreign lands and customs is presented and received. His presentation of women was depend ent upon the thinking of the society surrounding him. I think thats one really interesting thing that happens in this play too because, again, the kind of ambivalence that you point out, in terms of, there are multiple meanings that are being conveyed at the same time through the use of barbarian, kind of engenders a kind of racial incoherence already in the play. Elizabethan Era Gender Roles in Shakespeare Plays Who perceiveth and seeth himself placed here amidst the filth and mire of the world, fast tied and nailed to the worst, most senseless, and drooping part of the world in the vilest corner of the house and farthest from heaven's cope with those creatures that are the worst of the three conditions and yet dareth imaginarily place himself above the circle of the moon and reduce heaven under his feet. 3.2. However, comparing The Tempest to European colonialist attitudes in the Elizabethan era provokes a 21st century audience to re . Elizabethan Attitudes to Women, Race and Transgression in - StudyMode So may the king deal With his subjects. DADABHOY: Yeah. Uncivilized. Thats what traditional scholarship says. attitudes toward them were examined using the Attitude Perception Questionnaire. } OF WOMEN, MARRIAGE, AND THE FAMILY. That is, of course, the Ottoman Empire. From the Shakespeare Unlimited podcast. From the Folger Shakespeare Library, this is Shakespeare Unlimited. 6 . The attitude of Queen Elizabeth was certainly more lenient than those of her neighbours in France and Spain. BOGAEV: Yes, and colonialism and all of this stuff. This hath been some time used within the realm before any open war in sudden insurrections and rebellions, but that not allowed of wise and grave men, who in that their judgment had consideration of the consequence and example, as much as of the present necessity, especially, when by any means the punishment might have been done by order of law. BOGAEV: Generation after generation of enslavement, yeah. The Iberian kingdoms were practicing enslavement from about the middle of the 15th century. Edward Gosynhill, "Schole house of women," c. 1542: A popular and well-known diatribe against the vanity, talkativeness, extravagance, faithlessness, and general frailty of women from Eve to Jezebel. Its based on current events at the time. Have they been granted only in favor of the wise? Certainly, later centuries will try to fix race into certain kinds of concrete meanings, but even those wont hold, right? DADABHOY: I dont think so. That there is a difference between the visage in her mind versus the visage that is presented to the world. I mean, I think that its the practices of how we read, how we think; that theyre all kind of regulated by the modes of whiteness. Performance, advertising, and Anglo-Maghrebi diplomacy in Restoration and Augustan LondonEarly 18th-century London theater audiences paid close attention to the ambassadors from the Maghreb who occasionally joined them as spectators. The role of the husband is one of authority and . The Jews were not allowed . Women were not allowed to claim any independence but were considered subservient to their male relatives, whether husbands, brothers, or fathers. In relation to the changing ideas about childhood over the centuries, there are several points of discussion that arise. Queen Elizabeth was at the top of the social pyramid. Then enter the name part They make and unmake their subjects; they have power of raising and casting down, of life and of death; judges over all their subjects, and in all cases, and yet accountable to none but God only. The impact of foreigners on a community or a culture is affected, obviously enough, both by the opportunities for contact and knowledge that exist, and by the framework of assumptions within which information about foreign lands and customs is presented and received. She believed these people were similar to beasts, dangerous because of their temper . This was partly due to their lack of understanding and knowledge of other cultures. Othello's tragedy transcends race and is based on a natural human weakness. How the elderly are treated around the world | The Week So how does Othello compare to these other productions? The people of England believed themselves to be far superior and treated others with indignity and pity. Let them negotiate and recommend and you're much more likely to be happy in marriage. One of those thinkers is Ambereen Dadabhoy, an assistant professor of literature at Harvey Mudd, the liberal arts, engineering, science, and mathematics college in Claremont, California. Garland Scott is the associate producer. Venice was a very important trading center. In what ways A revolution in reading (and to a lesser extent writing) was taking place. But to treat of that which by natural understanding may be comprehended. The attitudes and values that Shakespeare reveals through the text are those sameattitudes and values of Elizabethan society in England in the sixteenth . In choosing to marry, women sacrificed any legal or constitutional rights as citizens. Throughout William Shakespeare's The Tempest, Caliban, as the native, is treated as an inferior by Prospero and Stephano, the colonists. Jane Anger, "Jane Anger her Protection for Women," 1589: Responds to attacks on women through an old-fashioned recital of man's iniquity and woman's virtues. What was the framework of assumptions concerning foreigners? Marriage allowed them social status and children. Shakespeare's works Read and learn more about Shakespeare's plays and poems; Shakespeare in print The First Folio (the book that gave us Shakespeare) and what came after; Shakespeare in performance From playhouse to film sets, explore four centuries of staging . Home to the worlds largest Shakespeare collection, the Folger is dedicated to advancing knowledge and the arts. Thats proof that race, as we know it, people werent thinking that way back in that time. I mean, this is whats so fascinating about your research, that theres so much misinformation really. In shocking his audience with this deviation from the norm, Shakespeare presents a reality that African men are indeed civil, literate, faithful husbands. All these issues can affect team dynamics in various ways. But this is to reckon without the 'framework of assumptions'. BOGAEV: Right. In some of those you have a, kind of, fixation on color, where some of them are also conversion narratives. What Were the Gender Roles in the Elizabethan Era? - The word insular might have been coined to describe us. Plagiarism attitudes common across cultures. China and England possess different cultural values, with China characterized by collectivism and strong social norms, and England by individualism. If youre a fan of Shakespeare Unlimited, please leave us a positive review on Apple Podcasts. In Elizabethan England, there was fairly widespread belief that freedom of choice was a right among marriage partners. BOGAEV: This is really interesting because I want to step back now to the bigger picture. ; 11 Strikingly enough, the study of popular Shakespeare in live performances has been relatively unexplored. So when the queen asks the lord mayor to deport the Blackamoors, its really directed at anyone Spanish, whether slave or not, and it has more to do with that animosity between the two countries than with actual skin color? Request Permissions. According to the behaviorist definition of . United Kingdom - Elizabethan society | Britannica