All I can say is thank you to those who served in Thailand. He is dearly missed. I served in USAF at Korat RTAB 73-74 with 388th Fighter Wing MOS 461 Munitions. called Happy Valley). Please join our FB group: Happy Valley Phan Rang AB, Vietnam Im the widow of Ernest Whitfield who was stationed at NKP in 74he was a communications specialist eho passed on 11.05.14 at age 62. Assigned as an (NOTE: Prior to my assignment at Ubon, there were two Sapper Attacks and during my assignment, there was one such incident.) we could only have a nite stick. Would anyone have a complete list of army or marine camps? I do know I am Filing again. I am receiving 40% disability for prostate cancer and diabetes type II from Agent Orange exposure. NUI DAT HILL. and listed as a medical tech. His doc stated that he had diabetes before the cancer. My father Joe Burch was at Phan Rang from June 1967 to May 1968. I only found out that agent orange was part of my life. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. For those stationed at Korat: Oh Mr Farmer who said he was at ubon 72-73 time frame. Finally, they listened to the evidence that we had that led them to agree to give me a survivors benefit based upon a presumed service related cause of death. Made many trips to Bangkok for the Officer and NCO Clubs. Installations and Facilities in Thailand by the 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion. ANY IN FO WOULD BE GLADLY RECEIVED , JOHN BOYD . I was stationed at Udorn (USAF)in 1967-68. I was assigned to Ubon RTAFB (7/71 6/72) and, Don Muang RTAFB (8/73 8/74 & 8/74 8/75) with the U.S. Air Force Postal & Courier Service (UAFPCS) on all three assignments. I was stationed at Korat 74-75 388 MMS 46250 weapons mech F4. Some eyewitness accounts have suggested the AF soldiers were flown by commercial jet from Travis AFB to a base in Saigon. I was in UDORN in 1969 to 1970 as an RF4c Mechanic. Arived May 66 ( gray eagle) period built a few hotches then worked at the bomb dump then pylon shop waiting for F100s to arive then assigned to loading evaluation team left April 67. Unfortunately, VA will not accept award of the Medal as proof of service within the coordinates outlined for Medal Criteria. Came back with No Health problems. 299 now and bill S-1381 that have since been passed into law to help out my fellow vets, Was stationed at Camp Samae San Aug 73 to Oct 74 then Jan 75 till Jan 76, have my board hearing in 3 weeks,virtually, the first trip out of Travis flew nonstop to Saigon on chartered flight then after about 2 hours flew by C130 to UAFB. BVA has recognized that this qualifies as boots on the ground in Vietnam and qualifies for presumptive exposure. Since had constant health issues including quadruple bypass and skin issues. And everyone at work!!! I was stationed with a USAF Communications Detachment at the Chang Mai Airport in 1967 thru 1968. Greetings to all. Remember playing softball in the field attached to the base. Service in Ubon, Thailand 1965 437th MAC. About this group. My grandfather did not qualify for the military due to medical issues but went over as a civilian in the 60s through Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona. (page 1). Your military records show which contracted airlines took you there and return. I hope you will add Clark Air Force Base. Phan Rang Air Base FREE Records: 31,716 Overview Browse Newsletters about Phan Rang Air Base during Vietnam. Due to my duties while I was there I was in and out of the jungle, plus I stayed in a hooch that had a wooden board walkway to the latrine. 379th signal battalion in Nov 1970 to Nov 1971. I am trying to help my dad. I wish all my fellow veterans who served in Thailand to get the recognitions we deserve. He passed 20 years ago and I am still trying to get compensation. I would like to get in touch with you both. The chemical dioxin causes your own chemical makeup to get scrambled when exposed to it. Are there any maps of Hill 272? He smiled and remarked that my brother worked for the CIA, just as he had. You fought for this country; if Agent Orange and combat stress disabled you; then our country needs to step up to the plate and provide the benefits you need. Well I got called up and guarded the base perimeter. We lived on the economy and rode motorcycles to work. 1.9). I was searching for information about Philco Ford in Bangkok. He was a US Marine in Viet Nam. We had 197 people on board with gear and just cleared the fence at the end of runway leaving Holloman. If you were there you were in contact with agent orange. Finally approved in 2017. I was at Takhli Jan 1966-1967. served in warin communications station a few miles west of the laotion cambodian border. The mortars never got off. Cartographic information for the series was gathered from aerial photography conducted in the 1950s. I entered the USAF Reserves and eventually was promoted to Lt Col and retired in 1992, after suffering a ruptured brain aneurysm. Installations and Facilities in Thailand. email me. I served in the army at comm sites at Utapao Korat, and Hill 272 Sattahip. With the help of a legal team, I was granted 60% disability for Ischemic Heart Disease in July 2008, after numerous denials. Is their any help out there? Jerry is seen directing traffic from the control tower and training a loc. Those barracks were the last one before you left the base. We are at a loss of how to find more info. Kidney failure, and hypertension, but seeing all you service members going through all this problems, I am already 79 years . This surgery left me mobility impaired. Clearly. Any duty on or very near the base perimeter might also qualify.Good luck and God Bless. I also fought a fire in the Outer perimeter, on Spray unit spraying Agent Orange that caught fire, plus two other grass and vegetation fire in the outer perimeter. I would like to personally thank the United States government for treating the Viet Nam veterans with the respect that we deserve. How can we do that? I have a photo of Agent Orange barrels located in the Thai Army Camp area .An Ariel view of our camp in its early stages show that it wasnt cleared by machinery only. Although I never spent much time at Phan Rang Airbase, during the latter part of 1969 our headquarters moved from Nha Trang airbase to Phan Rang. Worked in the POL dump. Thanks. Can anyone help me here with info? Then, six months before discharge, I injured it a fourth time. Fathered a child that now lives in California. We also had a breakout of Malaria and the fogged all through the hooch area every night, the dosage was stronger than what is legal in the USA. 1 Squadron RAAF. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a meansto enhance security. Does anyone stationed at Takhli remember the bone yard. He has contacted my son whos theyre DNA has been linked. Phan Rang had a large storage area, as most bases did, where general supplies were stored. Operation Ranch Hand was a U.S. military operation during the Vietnam War, lasting from 1962 until 1971. If you go to your nearby VA OPC, VA Hospital, etc. Always wondered why nothing grew at the camp. I was stationed at Cam Rahn Bay,Vietnam air base 1969-1970 and Utapao,Thailand 1971. I left a wife and a 8 and 6 year old on Christmas day 1969 heading to San Francisco for my flight to Bangkok. Stationed at 442 Signal Battalion (LL) Warin Thailand in 1970 as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. I still have the copy of the order if anybody needs it that is on the list. the Library of Congress may monitor any user-generated content as it chooses and reserves the right to I lost my husband, also a Vietnam vet, who served in Saigon and in Thailand, who for years ignored symptoms, playing ostrichwhen he felt lousy, which was about most of the time, hed say, its just my allergies. I was with the 331st Supply Company. Ive studied the recognized dates. We both had prostate cancer at the same time. Another close friend was a Marine, Peter Barnes. Nevertheless, The base was hit more than 25 times during my tour of duty, but that was by far the worst. Younger brother served there. Five lumbar surgeries and more than 43 rounds of cortecosteroid injections in my lumbar, 5 in my right hip and 4 in my sacral joint all over an eighteen year period. It was so nasty there it is a wonder we all didnt come down with a lot of stuff. Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. hw-pr-swartz-17-op-nui-dat-1966.jpg may result in removed comments. We have documents specifying *how many* people his squadron deployed/went TDY but nothing more specific. The first time I was denied AO for my various conditions because the records office could not find anything to prove my several such trips on two different assignments. She asked me if I was in the military during the Vietnam war. Let me put in a plug for a book, The Grotto, about life flying helicopters out of Phu Bai. 5 ft 10 170 lbs. I was in the 56FMS in 71-72 and 73-74.I was in the Hydraulic shop at that time. Suffer from heart disease, neuropathy, arthritis, diabetes, PTSD and recently stomach cancer near the esophagus. I was there when the Thai workers and an airman arrived in a pickup truck and pulled what was a converted Water Buffalo tanker. We also ate nothing but WW11 and Korean War C and B rations. Not just as Congress decided in it new regulations. He recently passed and was exposed to agent orange. I have had Diabetes for years and diagnosed with Gleason 6 Prostrate Cancer. My husband served with the USAF from November 1966-October 1967 and was stationed at Takhli. Sorry for the rambling post, I just looked at the wall and saw the jacket and decided to google Phan Rang. Luckily I caught a few hops to Tan San Nuet and visit Saigon, plus eat some good food and the NCO Club. Ill never forget my year at Phan Rang AB, it was a good assignment for me.,, Identifying Military Personnel: Decoding Serial Numbers, Reconstructing the Past Part II: The National Personnel Record Center Fire of 1973, 75th Anniversary of the First Veterans Day Celebration and Free Access to Fold3 on Veterans Day Weekend. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. Phan Rang beach. And my Second and third sons both had Bladder Reflux which is a malformation of the bladder and it usually kills the infant before birth. I was at Korat RTAFB from 11 May 1975-Feb 1976, with the 388th SPS, and it seemed I was always guarding the perimeter. The 1969 map you found, a great source, lists the UTM coordinates for the facilities, but not in a format Ive ever seen, two letters and four digits (e.g. My husband served in the marine stationed in Udorn Thiland in 1962. Flew into Udorn and Vientiane, Laos. Found out I have N. I lived and showered on base and had no idea where water came from. It covers all the toxic burn pit issues for the Gulf Wars and also amends the most recent SEA OA requirements to include all service members during that period in all the associated countries by eliminating those proof of use, perimeter, or date requirements. Been trying to get the VA to approve my Parkinsons. I was a crew chief on EB 66 ECM aircraft. This was my Thailand deployment. Was made 100% disabled in 36 days. He was Air Force and worked on planes. Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. I was at NKP Mar 1970 Aug 1971. Does anyone live in Thailand? Response to Charles Ernest Hill 12/20/22. If you or anyone else here served as an air police augmentee for guard duty while in Thailand you will probably be covered. I am sure his ailments were as a result of AO while in Thailand 68-69. 2023-03-03 02:54 | : | : 265 Does anyone have any information on a Joseph Burton or a Charles Edward Drumm?? Not much help I realize, but wanted to add my .02 cents along with offering my greetings to all you comrade Thai Vets. James Roy Fadden served in Vietnam is there any information on him? The squadron returned to Australia in 1971, having been deployed overseas for a total of 13 years.[13]. have fingers crossed but at 75 believe my time running out. Just diagnosed with multiple myeloma havent filed claim yet. I was stationed at Ramasun Station in the 6924 Scty Sq from Dec 74 to Mar 76. I volunteered both times believing it was my duty and honor to my country. I as station at TRAFB in 1966/67 went TRY to DaNang AFB Vietnam in Jan 1967. Corroboration might help. USAF 35th Air Police Squadron, Phan Rang, Vietnam TDY to the 3rd APS at Bin Ha Airfield (end of January 1968 - mid March 1968) During the month of February, 1968 North Vietnamese Army regulars aided by 'irregulars' (Viet Cong) attempted to take over or destroy the Air Base at Bin Halocated in the II This is a very sad state of affairs!!!! We were also not supplies with jungle clothing , ammo and proper medical supplies. My best Buddy was Charlie Perry from Savannah GA, lost track of him in 1970. but continue to deny IBM as Service Connected. Served at Ubon Aug. 1971 to Aug. 1972 and Korat Jan. 1973 to June, 1973. please email if possible . Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have the jacket that he had made for my 2 year old self framed and on my office wall. Lt Col Joe Jackson, MOH was my squadron Commander. That report is available at: I was assigned to the 355th Security Police. I have bladder cancer from AO. Cree una base de datos de empresas y crguela en formato de Excel. Note: As many of you probably know many of the guys that were there with us are no longer with us. First fueling B-52s on the East side, which meant driving the perimeter road, eating at the East side chow hall, than the West side, filling up our R-5 refueling trucks at the POL Tank Farm, that was next to the perimeter. Trying to help a friend with his benefits, he was with the 23rd Tac Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai AFB during summer 1973 but cant find any personnel documents that list the names of people who were sent there. After the AF, he was a Physicians Assistant for over 27 years. Itincludes, on its reverse,amap of American installations within the Thai capital of Bangkok. My brother Joseph M Ferraro was in Vietnam in 1968-69. I would be there for 2 to 5 days so really never learned much about Phan Rang. Most of records were blacked out.what do they want from me that they are not telling me. Our Bgg case Camp was nothing but red dirt in summer months and red mud during rainy season. As for AO, I dont know of anyone from the Rose Garden making claims for AO caused disabilities there. Breaks my heart for all of you vets who served time for our country, and are having to fight for medical benefits! He ha all the diabetis, two open heart surgeries and parkensons. Looking for others that were stationed in Avionics (AMS) during 1973. First in perimeter towers, then bunkers , mobile and control desk. It shows Tactical Employment of Herbicides, and near the back it shows a 500 yard kill zone from the sprayed area. Glasses but rejects me about AO I know we got sprayed. Just to name a few.VA denied me twice plus two appeals. I saw it once just before I left. I see that he had to drive the perimeter with the flatbead trucks full of bombs from the MSA that often got covered in the dust from the roads. Can anyone help me with my research I have been trying for 3 years to get COMPENSATION with NO GO from the VA. Can you help what do you guys think pretty sorry. During the emergency, the squadron undertook airstrikes against communist forces and after the conflict ended, it remained in Malaysia throughout the early 1960s during Confrontation, before despatching eight Canberras to South Vietnam in April 1967 as part of Australias commitment to the Vietnam War. My husband served at the Korat air base in 1970. To enter and activate the submenu links, hit the down arrow. the end building of the group is right on the perimeter. Will enjoy hearing from anyone I played cards with, traveled into town, shared drinks, swam in the ocean, After a year there I was able to get transferred to Operation Deep Freeze (the Navy tri-service Task Force 43 which supported the science program in Antarctica) as Technical Editor of the Antarctic Journal of the United States After the Task Force was transferred to the Seabee center at Davisville, RI, I was assigned to the Office of Polar Programs at the National Science Foundation. Im researching for my husband who was stationed at Camp America (officially may have been Camp Falong) 67-68. List of U.S. bases in Thailand, I note that there was a USMC deployment during the Kennedy presidency, which likely predates the use of Agent Orange, but I cannot be absolutely certain. VMFA232 comm/nav/ident. I know people in other branches that were compensated under the Boots on the ground concept . Hootch was on the perimeter, as I recall. I have high blood pressure and stage 3 chronic kidney disease, and high cholesterol. Currently: Diabetes, Neuropathy, Legs and Feet, COPD, An a recent Heart Attack. I had just gotten back in touch with him. Thank you for gathering and preserving these records and stories. All nugs pfc pullef perimeter guard in ops area due to having clearances. After the second world war the French conituned to use the base throughout the french Indochine War.In 1966 the US Air Force set up their base at Phan Rang and remained their until . Ive had prostate cancer, heart disease, heart attack, COPD. At that time I was told anyone that served in Thailand during the Vietnam time frame was now considered to have come in contact with AO. Anything on him? Most all of our sorties were at night, which left me time to explore during the day. would like to get in contact with anyone that was stationed at 7 RRFS. Thank you for your service and Welcome Home! Had some great guys in our hootch . The newsletter collection contains stories about dangerous missions, enemy attacks on the base, military awards and decorations, and descriptions of what off-duty airmen did to pass the time. I remember your beer cans were of steel and could not be bent over like Americas aluminum beer cans! Served at Korat RTAFB from late January 68 til 17 November 68 . I was there from ,DEC.72 thru SEPT. 73 . We went through ~16 million gallons of JP-4 a month supporting with 80% of all fuel used in Southeast Asia for supporting 26 KC-135 tankers, 55 F-105s, EB/RB-66s based at Takhli. To David Sorensen and Karen Whitfield, While trying to locate such materials, this author discovered an interesting map in the Geography and Map Divisions Titled Collectionthatshows the locations of U.S. military and civilian personnel locatedin Thailand during 1969. Besides reuniting with old friends and making new ones, our goal is to preserve the stories of our Phan Rang brothers. He was in 1980 Comm Sq at Tahkli as a Comm Control Specialist in 1966. I feel fortunate medically compared to many listing problems our government seems content to deny any responsibility for. Never considered AO as the issue. My ex-wife divorced me because I could not explain my health issues to her. So he traveled through the gate daily. nor the airline strike when many of us returned to the states after 12 or 13 months in that hell hole. It took me 10 days to get home to North Carolina by bus. Nor can I prove that 42 months of continual sunburn was the trigger that caused the outbreak of Vitiligo. Well, March 26 of 2020 he died suddenly of a heart attack, he had recovered, we thought, from a major stroke in November of 2019. Any one in UDORN around 1971? Went to U-Tapao airbase weekley for supplies. I suspect I may have diabetes, not sure yet, how will all this all come into play, will I have a claim? was it in 1965 or 1966?And how can I get a copy of that documentation. To qualify for exposure you needed to be within 500 yards of the perimeter. I served in Thailand September 1964 to September 1965 as a member of 207th Signal Company achieving the rank of Sp4. I placed a claim through the VA for hearing loss and type 2 diabetes..The VA denied my claim and said they had no record of my unit ever being in VietnamHow can that beMy whole squadron , including all our aircraft were there for 6 monthsThey say I NEVER HAD BOOTS ON THE GROUND in Vietnam..which is not true at all.I WAS THERE.any helpful hints out there.I need to contact a local VSO here in Florida. Needs help please. 1st signal brigade 442nd signal battalion company c. i would like to see a full recognition of our service as full vietnam war veterans, but i don,t think i will ever see it. I will gladly help any veteran or dependent with any information or photos that I have, including any and all my knowledge of my personal experiences with the Herbicides used at Phu Mu freely. I am a complete and totally disabled veteran for this experience. Still took a year, but rating was finally approved. Any other Security Police who worked the Korat perimeter please contact me. Im now on the docket for a hearing on that appeal with some fairly compelling photo evidence which I hope Ill never need. Over the years have suffered and getting worse I would like to hear from others on how they are doing. The Cardiologist said the stroke was caused by atrial fibrillation of his heart, then the lower chambers gave out. Correction by poster. the night of February 21-22, 1969. Looking for any photos of Martin J. Burns, Marine, from Wilmington, Delaware. Served on the LORAN station at Sattahip, Thailand. Home Heart and Arterial disease, A-fib to the point where i now have a Watchman device implanted in my heart. Thomas E. Marchbanks, Jr., Chief Air Force Reserve, Hq. Served with the 432nd MMS in Udorn from September 1966-67. We ask them how long would it take them to erect a hootch for us. Largely inspired by the British use of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D ( Agent Orange) during the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s, it was part of the overall herbicidal warfare program during the war called "Operation Trail Dust". Found out had stage 2 diabetes and had a few surgeries to take tumors off. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to It is located 5.2 miles (8.4km) northnorthwest of Phan Rang Thp Chm in Ninh Thun Province. We could be more helpful to your search if you could provide us more information, such as; Any number of clues that you may have may trigger a better question or answer. TDY Korat from Myrtle Beach AFB SC Oct 72 Apr 73. Like to hear from anyone from Camp Friendship. I worked nights and slept days and, sometime in the middle of my year, an F-4 was returning to base with a hung 500lb bomb. If any one has any info Have recently been diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease. Regardless no records indicated that was attached to the security forces. Also many of us flew from US and landed in Vietnam for aircraft refueling enroute to Thailand. Assigned to 7th Maint Bn while in Koran. Was a field service mechanic on heavy Equipment also motor pool Sgt. But thats the Marine Corps way. CREW CHIEF ON F-4E PHANTOMS WHITE SECTION 421st BLACK WIDOWS, HAVE PROSTATE CANCER 2018 Having to work on the Gunships meant that I was within 200m of the perimeter. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Military Exposure Related Health Concerns, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations), Herbicide Tests and Storage Outside Vietna, Call TTY if you The DVA has been tone deaf because I wasnt an SP or CE. I published an article in THE MILITARY ENGINEER magazine November- December 1966 Vol. ARDF transferred from the Special Ops tarmac at Udorn to Utapao where we then flew Cambodia locating Khmer and Pol Pots transmitters in the invasion of Phnom Penh. Ha. I was stationed at Phu Mu, Thailand, 207th Signal Company from May 1966-March 1967. Are you still living in Den area.? Am I eligible for VA benefits? Serviced at Camp Friendship 1970 1971 442nd Signal(microwave tech) on the perimeter of Friendship and Korat AFB. I was stationed there 1970-71. I know there was jungle very near where we were located. Thailand 1966-68 55th signal korat,379 th camp vayama, hill 272 and hill 50x 29th signal detached as of this date still alive, many others of hill 272 have left us.