Kamloops Indian Residential School Survivor On The Queen's Alleged Connection To Missing Children William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, in 1964, when the school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. Do Not commit a Crime by funding Criminal Churches! 7. (Note by Gary Kohls:: The sobering information below is from my courageous whistle-blowing friend from Canada, Kevin Annett. This work should be in every college curriculum.Murder by Decreereviewer Dr. Archibald Sayers, This is the ultimate David and Goliath story of official crime and heroic integrity. All of them died of foul play at the hands of the Vancouver police, hospital staff, church agents or other unknown parties. William died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and permanent disappearance of the ten children. The opening of the Kamloops school graves allows all of us to recover justice by overcoming the historical amnesia imposed on us by a criminal Church and State. Seven of our comrades have died from foul play at the hands of the police and others. They were all organizers with the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), a forerunner to the ITCCS, and led or participated in protests and non-violent occupations of these churches. William Coombes & The Kamloops Kidnapping of 1964 - YouTube 0:00 / 0:37 William Coombes & The Kamloops Kidnapping of 1964 Alternative Narrative 13.3K subscribers Subscribe 39K views 6. The still-official claim of only 3200 deaths would mean that only one child died every year in every fifth residential school! William Coombs, 54, attended two British Columbia schools from 1958 to 1967, including Kamloops Indian Residential School and Mission Indian Residential School. (10), 20. (2013) at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4h3hDjOYMand also:http://www.salem-news.com/articles/march262019/canada-biggest-cover-up-sw.phpandhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYEnChrKOgm7aRDzbo6yfswzCEdMl2P8e, Not Abuse But Mass Murder! Not surprisingly, the TRC produced the absurdly low figure of only 3200 residential school deaths spanning more than a century. Built using WordPress and OnePage Express Theme. Boycott the United Church of Canada! I have rarely been so moved by a book.Unrelentingreviewer Elizabeth Richeson, Order your copies now through the create space links above or through hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com or 386-323-5774 (USA). PDF PERSONS SENTENCED TO DEATH IN CANADA, 1867-1976: An Inventory of Case There is a clear moral and legal obligation of sovereign nations to restrain and punish proven criminal regimes like Canada, the British Crown and the Vatican. 2023Murder by Decree. . Kevin Annett - Genocide of Canadian aboriginals at 25 million; 50,000 children now missing; Key witness William Coombes assassinated by Crown and Vatican agents Last edited: Jul 12, 2021. And order the latest book on our work, The Case for the Republic of Kanata atwww.createspace.com/8644242, In this breaking exclusive interview, Erika, a former nurse at the catholic St. Pauls Hospital in Vancouver, speaks of how she witnessed the final days of genocide survivor William Combes. A special Order in Council ratified on July 1, 1920 made it compulsory for every aboriginal child in Canada seven years or older to be incarcerated in the Indian residential school system. Order your copy today atwww.createspace.com/6988697orcontactitccsoffice@gmail.com List price: $10, Commemorate Maisie Shaw Remembrance Day this Christmas by shutting down the churchesthat killed her and 60,000 other children!The Scene of the Crime and the Killer: Alberni Indian Residential Schooland its Principal, United Church minister Alfred Caldwell (1946), A Special Appeal from the ITCCS and Radio Free Kanata. (2) That systemkilledmore than half of the children incarcerated within it until it formally ended in 1996, or more than 65,000 children. For more information contact the ITCCS Central Office atitccsoffice@gmail.comor by leaving a message at 386-323-5774 (USA). It is that backyard war of which we will speak today, and the victims of the war at home who we will hold up now and remember. Scientists Have Been Baffled By Mysterious Questions For Decades, The Recent "UFO" Craze In Mainstream News & How It Detracts From A Very Real, Very Mysterious Phenomenon, The Ethics of AI: Deepfake Porn & ChatGPT, Cochrane Review: Masks Aren't Backed By Science. This point was established by our own investigations as early as the spring of 2003. 4. Issued September 5, 2017 by the ITCCS Central Directorate with the endorsement of elders of the Anishinabe, Mohawk, Cree, Metis, Cowichan and Squamish indigenous nations across Canada, and also by the ITCCS affiliates in Canada, USA, Ireland, England and Serbia, For the general catalogue of evidence and testimonies regarding past and present Genocide in Canada seewww.murderbydecree.com. William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. On this All Peoples Remembrance Day, dont miss our final program of the season. 7. According to a former Kamloops school employee, Its a fair estimate to say that a third to a half of those kids didnt survive their use as lab rats. This was and remains a common practice, since under Canadas apartheid Indian Act, it is a punishable offense for people on reservations to refuse medical or drug treatment. I see that all the time. Eyewitness Harriett Nahanee on the killing of 14 year old Maisie Shaw by Alfred Caldwell, Christmas Eve 1946, (Died suddenly after her arrest and incarceration, February 2007), False record of Maisie Shaws death (circled): Died in hospital Dec. 26 (2 days after her death on a staircase). Fallenis the human face of Canadas ongoing genocide, written with heart-felt pathos.The characters present a mystery that is never resolved and yet accentuates whatever humanity remains to us: the capacity for the unlikeliest of people to endure alone against unspeakable odds with nothing on their side save themselves. The Kamloops school was also an early location for involuntary sterilization programs, which according to survivors and government sources began as early as 1929 and continued until well into the 1970s. Mass Genocide of Mohawk Children by UK Queen and Vatican Uncovered in In partnership with the three churches responsible for the residential schools genocide and with the active compliance of the world media, the United Nations and every level of judicial and political power in Canada, the TRC buried the truth and the evidence of that genocide with remarkable ease and success. In this light, the present secret disinterring by the state-funded Tkemlups Band Council of the remains of children at the former Kamloops residential school is a deliberate destruction of a crime scene and an obstruction of justice. Crimes against Humanity, from Canada to Rome: A recent, exclusive interview with Kevin Annett (June 26, 2018), Proof: The Medical Murder of Willam Combes, eyewitness to crimes by Queen Elizabeth Windsor, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice. This threat is evident in the continued standing policy known asCrimen Sollicitationaswithin the Roman Catholic church, that subverts child protection laws and the power of sovereign governments by requiring that every Catholic in the world protect in-house child abusers and conceal child abuse and trafficking from the police. It may be reproduced, except for sale or advertising purposes, provided cred it is given to the National Archives of Canada, and to the Among its recommendations, the ITCCS report calls on the global community to enact economic and political sanctions against Canada, Great Britain and the Vatican, dispatch international peace keepers and forensic investigation teams to Canada, and aid in the prosecution of these regimes for crimes against humanity. As a controlled stage show run by the very powers responsible for making native women go missing, the Inquiry is moribund, having released no report of any of its supposed findings in the over two years of its shadowy existence. 11. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. The author came to know them intimately as they shared their stories with him and helped to publicly expose the horrors of the state and church-run residential schools. Raw Footage of William Combes - Canadian Residential Schools and Queen The four characters were survivors of the murderous Indian residential schools of Canada and lived in the poverty-stricken downtown east side of Vancouver. Kevin Annett,Ricky Lavallee,Ritual Murder of Children,Ritual Rape and Torture of Children,Roman Catholic Church,Satanic Ritual Torture,Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses,The International Common Law Court of Justice,Torture,Twelve Mile Club,United Church of Canada,United States of America,vancouver club,Vatican,William Combes, This Sunday November 12, 2017 on Here We Stand, at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT onwww.bbsradio.com/herewestand. See also an insightful personal interview "Who is Kevin Annett?" . He served in the US Army for 30 years, including service in WWII and the Korean Conflict, achieving the rank of Chief Warrant Office 4. Correspondence between Kamloops Principals, the Catholic church, and the federal government for much of the 20th century indicates a constant concern about maintaining substandard health and dietary conditions in the facility to ensure a consistently high death rate, while publicly blaming the huge mortality on underfunding. London, UK: Today, on the 58 th anniversary of the permanent disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Indian residential school, new evidence has surfaced linking British monarch King Charles to their fate and to the death of other native children.. A group of witnesses have presented their affidavits to the special Tribunal that has convened to investigate Charles . Genocide survivor. One of the primary methods of achieving an apparently required death rate quota of between one third and one half of the students was the routine practice of exposing healthy children to those sick and dying of tuberculosis and then never treating them. Why and how have they done so? Note:After todays show, our program will resume broadcasting on Sunday, January 7, 2018 at the regular time, with a new line up and newinitiativesfor liberty and justice. The TRC was modeled on a standard black-ops misdirection campaign to create a false narrative on a crime by burying evidence, silencing witnesses, discrediting truth tellers and exonerating the guilty. Mr. Coombes was born November 20, 1921 in Fieldon, Illinois, to the late James and Alta Coombes. This evidence is also available in hardcover asMurder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada: A Counter Report to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, obtainable through amazon.com anditccsoffice@gmail.com. The truth about atrocities of British colonisation | The Herald Combes identified himself as a spirit dancer and member of the. . But what cannot be concealed is the clear and direct connection between the highest levels of governmental, police, corporate, church and judicial power in Canada and these deliberate genocidal crimes, as well as their ties to similar crimes in other countries. It shows that at least 65,000 children died in these camps in less than a century because of deliberate policies of germ warfare, starvation and systemic violence. He is a renowned Canadian whistle blower and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee who has led the global campaign to expose and prosecute crimes against humanity by church and state. Her life was snuffed out in a moment by a kick from United Church minister Alfred Caldwell, who got away with his crime. They even put me with a dead kid once. His death never investigated, let alone the criminals charged. 1. It concerns the covered-up, unindicted and therefore unpunished official Canadian genocide and crimes against humanity against the aboriginal people of Canada. Me and my brother Ernie were forced to sleep in the same beds with the sick kids after we tried running away. This December 24 is the 70th anniversary of Caldwells murder of Maisie Shaw: the first of many such crimes to be made public by our twenty year long campaign to expose and prosecute genocide by church and state in Canada. Posted inTruth and Reconciliation Commission,9th circle,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Charges Laid,Child Trafficking,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,common law,common law court of justice,covenanters,Crimen Solicitationas,Crown of England,England,Genocide in Canada,Historical Background,Holy See,home rule,ITCCS,Jesuits,Jorge Bergoglio,Joseph Ratzinger,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Media,Ninth Circle,Occupy the Vatican,Ottawa,Pope Benedict,Pope Francis the First,Press TV,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,radio free kanata,Republic of Kanata,Rev. William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops British Columbia in 1964 when the school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. Feb 1, 2016 - Over 50,000 Native Children Were Tortured, Sexually Their odious ranks include three Supreme Court judges, a battery of lawyers, church officials and corporate officers, a former Prime Minister, a Catholic Archbishop and senior members of the RCMP and the Canadian military. NEW, June 2018. Eyewitness to killings and rapes at Anglican Alert Bay residential school. William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. resources intensified. The Vancouver Coroner's Office refuses to comment on William's death. That traditional system was in fact effectively destroyed by the Indian residential schools between 1889 and 1996 along with the majority of indigenous languages and traditional land bases. Built on fear, and following a dismantling of curiosity, propaganda created a false perception that will take years for us to undo. Unrelenting: Annett, Kevin Daniel - Amazon.com Every social activist should have a copy. Darryl Connelly, veteran journalist-activist, Order yours now through the create space link above or by contacting thecommonland@gmail.com or 386-323-5774 (USA). The ITCCS presented copies of its report today to UN and EU officials as well as to diplomatic representatives of twelve nations, including Russia, China and the United States. Rest assured the truth is coming out faster these days. (15). Behind its mask of beneficence, as epitomized by its fresh-faced, spin doctoring Prime Minister Trudeau, Canada is a closed and repressive society that is actively exterminating the remainingtraditionalindigenous people within its borders. (13) The routine trafficking, torture and murder of children was practiced in the Anglican, Catholic and United Church Indian schools and implicates senior members of the government and the British royal family and these churches. Wed wonder how many kids got thrown into that incinerator., (*Note: This Creek was the same location where on October 10, 1964 William Combes observed Queen Elizabeth leave with the ten Kamloops school children who were never seen again.). We pay for war with our taxes, we benefit from war materially, and we even draw our pension and retirement funds from the profits of the arms industry as does every major church and religion on the planet, starting with the Vatican Incorporated. Todays program commences a two day period of global prayer and fasting designed to call out and separate people from these corporations, and to launch new Covenanted Congregations free of the legacy of colonialism and genocide. William died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and permanent disappearance of the ten children. I believe william coombes. Sexual abuse at heart of pain - The Globe and Mail Linda Coombs - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages Life. the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. These chiefs are doing these crimes at the behest and in the payment of the Canadian government and resource-extractive multinational corporations from America, Japan and China. 21. On one end of the spectrum you have people and children nobody would ever guess would be on the spectrum. Under the law, the concealment of a crime is as indictable as the original crime itself. I thought I put out a gag order on that little bastard! former Prime Minister Jean Chretien. How can we be? 13. Seven of our comrades have died from foul play at the hands of the police and others. It may seem like a duh moment for many, but for what could very well be the majority of people out there, the perception that any negative information pertaining to COVID vaccines was the product of misinformation, fake news, or a conspiracy theory still reigns true. Kevin Daniel AnnettAvailable now atwww.createspace.com/7997500. Select this result to view Linda F Coombs's phone number, address, and more. William Coombes (d. 18 April 1822), of Douai College, Grand-Vicar of the Western District.Young Coombes went to Douai at the age of twelve, was ordained in 1791, and during the French Revolution escaped (October, 1793) from Dourlens to England.