All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. Hang in there, surely it will all come to light, but be ready for anything. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. The power to create the life YOU WANT is all about the mindset YOU CHOOSE to have. New Scott McKay Big Update on "The Tipping Point" on - DNB The Patriot Streetfighter. Excellent summary on what is really happening! I really wish what you are saying is true. I could go on and on too. I love you Scott. But the reason for this message is to alert people to the murderers hiding within the British Royal Family! Those people would definitely be referring to what I just read here. Are you putting faith in God .. or in man .. ? Today we bring you very important video updates from three people whose messages you need to hear. 2020 Post-Election Update - Forbidden Knowledge TV They started to lay out a road map of the future, of what was coming of how they were going to wake up the people, wake up the sheep, wake up the planet, once and for all, so the planet, the people, the world can see the truth of whats really happening, before its too late. Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to get you up-to-date on the latest conspiracies and to provide raw unvetted information from various sources. While my hope is in God, intervening in our world, I am ready to die if necessary for this issue. I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light. Scott McKay from the Tipping Point Radio Show gives a riveting explanation of what is happening right now with the 2020 Election, in what has become a viral video. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. I am so happy that I came upon your website. Justice in America !.mp4, 20210518 - HKNQM0YeCymO - 5.13.21 Patriot Streetfighter w_ Mike Jaco & Mel K - BOOMS Incoming.mp4, 20210518 - t32uE0MvZl16 - 5.14.21 Patriot Streetfighter w_ Christoper James Taking on Unlawful Civil Procedure In Court System.mp4, 20210530 - SPfJcXtaBE9C - 5.18.21 Patriot Streetfighter Message Clarification.mp4, 20210530 - iBlT3roLubeV - 5.17.21 Patriot Streetfighter Post Dallas 'Calling Down The Thunder' Event Update.mp4, 20210601 - J9p1dh78WfeR - 5.19.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROINDTABLE w_ Mike Jaco & David Nino Rodriguez Massive Takedown Ops.mp4, 20210601 - N8nwmRN9B1F5 - 5.18.21 Patriot Streetfighter Constitution Class w_ Mr Constitution Douglas V Gibbs.mp4, 20210601 - h6IT0McRhVWA - TPR - Scott McKay The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio 5.24.21.mp4, 20210601 - jbPglfC38vM7 - TPR - Scott McKay on 'The Tipping Point' on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B - 5.17.21.mp4, 20210601 - z7VjKRNXomVU - 5.24.21 Patriot Streetfighter 'Calling Down The Thunder' Penn State Update.mp4, 20210603 - GKtiGKqwe20N - 5.31.21 The Patriot Streetfighter Memorial Day Arise USA Tour Update.mp4, 20210603 - Rx5rEdleKA5z - 5.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE w_ Mike Jaco, Dave Rodriguez & Delora O'Brien.mp4, 20210603 - UkwdbM8RwXpk - 6.1.21 Patriot Streetfighter Constitution Class #8 w_ Mr. Constitution Douglas V Gibbs.mp4, 20210603 - ZS1NAV7UeqO5 - 5.26.21 Patriot Streetfighter Pre-TOUR Update - Texas Leg 2 Days Away.mp4, 20210603 - oBREdExv7RAR - 6.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter TOUR Update 2 - PSF TOUR Retooled & Relaunch - North Platte NE on 6_4_21.mp4, 20210603 - s0znsCWKaWBa - 6.3.21 - RETOOLED - ARISE FREEDOM TOUR _ PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER.mp4, 20210604 - 0UY4uB991liC - 6.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter Econ Update #1 - Dr Kirk Elliott and The Impact of Basel 3 Regs on Gold.mp4, 20210604 - 5kEbLL8JNXsH - 6.3.21 Patriot Streetfighter Arise Freedom TOUR Update - Off To North Platte Nebraska.mp4, 20210608 - GbhymuDAj1Bz - 6.7.21 Patriot Streetfighter Now Engaging Ground Warfare Operation.mp4, 20210613 - fofq0NRgMDHV - 6.12.21 Patriot Streetfighter TOUR Update 2 - Russell Jay Gould, Military Operation Update, Telegram.mp4, 20210614 - PoeIVpTLgsnm - 6.12.21 - Scott McKay - Arise Freedom Tour - Vegas (full speech).mp4, 20210616 - PY9Yaivc3uWg - 6.15.21 - Patriot Streetfighter Arise Freedom Tour Update.mp4, 20210616 - t8Rs02qRD174 - 6.15.21 - Patriot Streetfighter Economics Update.mp4, 20210617 - VLEKKhrZHCYB - 6.16.21 - Cirsten W chats with Scott McKay and Sacha Stone at https, 20210621 - dDLWKIgU1L05 - 6.14.21 - Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay - Arise Freedom Tour - San Diego.mp4, 20210622 - 06bxpurOM2c0 - 6.21.21 - Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay - Arise Freedom Tour - Midway, UT.mp4, 20210622 - ZpVPmIW6SI7d - 6.14.21 - Sacha Stone - Arise Freedom Tour - San Diego.mp4, 20210626 - yUO8Hw9py3gs - 06.26.21 - PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER UPDATE FOR THE TROOPS.mp4, 20210707 - 2U7NKspGbTf3 - 6.29.21 Patriot Streetfighter Tour Update - 250 Year Plan To Communism w_ Special Guests Part 1.mp4, 20210707 - 54OTMueJqBuC - 6.29.21 Patriot Streetfighter Tour Update - 250 Year Plan To Communism w_ Special Guests Part 2.mp4, 20210707 - dmPCzI3Ixjiq - 7.5.21 Patriot Streetfighter Tour Update Sturgis, South Dakota.mp4, 20210707 - pwAhrKum2I3B - 6.29.21 Patriot Streetfighter Tour Update - 250 Year Plan To Communism w_ Special Guests Part 4.mp4, 20210707 - yYneE1Wz7MAI - 6.29.21 Patriot Streetfighter Tour Update - 250 Year Plan To Communism w_ Special Guests Part 3.mp4, 20210708 - hSskvGv8rs2C - 7.4.21 Patriot Streetfighter - Independence Day Speech - Sturgis, SD.mp4, 20210708 - kLU7ZdPftHV9 - 7.6.21 Patriot Streetfighter _ Mike Adams Update - Brand New Collagen Product.mp4, 20210709 - ew58CpZEoPmQ - 7.6.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update With Dr. Kirk Elliott.mp4, 20210712 - StvWNecTvzZD - 07.12.2021 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update.mp4, 20210714 - t0YwHHQ90aji - 7.12.21 TTP Radio - Patriot Streetfighter Tour Update, Penn State.mp4, 20210719 - 9DYR4sKEAqgc - 7.11.21 Patriot Streetfighter_Arise Freedom Tour, Sacha Stone Making It Rain.mp4, 20210719 - DIScR9sXPcoG - 7.11.21 Patriot Streetfighter Tour, Penn State Stop.mp4, 20210802 - iBOC54aaB7zy - 7.19.21 The Tipping Point, Patriot Streetfighter Tour, Lexington KY Stop.mp4, 20210803 - 8kZxaAAp2gKR - 8.1.21 Post Tour Update.mp4, 20210803 - E3SbhUGIWuJ3 - 8.2.21 - The Tipping Point On Revolution Radio.mp4, 20210805 - BLf1KK3rLXHx - 8.3.21 Patriot Streetfighter on 'His Glory' with Pastor Dave Scarlett - Intel Update.mp4, 20210813 - G4acXASQlQq3 - 8.4.21 - Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update With Dr. Kirk Elliott.mp4, 20210813 - Rjf0ynxJDryC - 8.12.21 - Patriot Streetfighter - Intel With Mel K.mp4, 20210813 - kRVbHudQaqjd - 8.11.21 - 9_00 PM EST _ Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay & Dr. Mark Sherwood.mp4, 20210813 - opmHSye8mGTg - 8.4.21 - Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay Zoom Briefing - Part 2.mp4, 20210813 - r5Gs3JDWLsOz - 8.4.21 - Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay Zoom Briefing - Part 1.mp4, 20210813 - r8KTKOjmdztM - 8.5.21 Patriot Streetfighter Intel Update - The General's Status, Current War Status, New TOUR Coming.mp4, 20210815 - 4rymhlDR2owP - 8.14.21 - Patriot Streetfighter With Sherry Beal & Michael Jaco.mp4, 20210816 - vgsjgNoueLgP - 8.9.21 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay on 'The Tipping Point' on Revolution.Radio w_ Sister Keri.mp4, 20210817 - EdSlOq0xXd6T - 8.16.21 - Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay w_ Mike Adams.mp4, 20210818 - ISo507SLVhMl - 8.16.21 - The Tipping Point Radio Show with Mike Adams and Sister Keri.mp4, 20210818 - sevCxbgq8uQP - 8.17.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_. You are about to watch an epic chapter of history unfold right before your very eyes over the next two months. Because they put faith in man-made societal means, not Godly means. Why did he not expose all the corruption for both Democrats and Republicans and drain the swamp? Scott McKay provides an open dialog to all people. Its not the Not-Sees, its Bolshevik Stasi, do yourself a favor and watch the Crucifixion of Russia, most history on the 160 million murdered has been pushed down the memory hole. If around KC I'll be headlining the Comedy club of KC Jan 21-23. So, what happens is, they have to throw everything they can think of at Trump to get him out of power, because they know whats coming. People like Scott McKay are either mentally unstable and have generated this whole theatrical story in their minds (makes me think of the movie A Beautiful Mind), or they are willfully lying for some unknown nefarious reason and actually hate their audience. Scott McKay from the Tipping Point Radio Show gives a riveting explanation of what is happening right now with the 2020 Election. You are a FAKE, and a Conspirator who enjoyed hyping all these people and followers of your up for nothing. Instead of a defensive weapon, it was an offensive weapon of the National Security Agency, designed to do one thing: to enslave humanity. Again, the criminal Congress, the traitors in Congress then quit-claimed the United States Corporation to the International Monetary Fund. If you havent, go watch it and youll get it. MustVideo. I heard Alex Jones is Deep State to make Patriots look like conspiracy theorists, I took my oath on 3 Sep 73, my oath never expires retired E-7, USAF, Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of My Knowledge: But, I have some concerns here. This is far from over. To make moneynot to get the TRUTH out. I replaced it with a follow-up he did a few days later with much of the same content. They finance every war their military industrial complex; they profit off of that, they own they make all that money anything to do the support of war. Call to Listen Studio-A 641-793-6370: Monthly Goal $2000 ! Literature And The Writing Process [PDF] [hfoas4c7as40] In 1871, we were broke. Dr Kirk Elliot, Preserve Assets w_ Silver & Gold.mp4, 20210818 - uKXlQMSxKDny - 8.17.21 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay Interview W_ Jim Willie, Cabal Plans Will FAIL.mp4, 20210819 - Y4x852xVLBNa - 8.18.21 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay On The Nick Veniamin Show.mp4, 20210821 - MFG2crvNqkul - 8.19.21 Patriot Streetfighter Intel Update.mp4, 20210824 - urV2KGYpzjZo - 8.23.21 Scott McKay's 'The Tipping Point' on Rev Radio, Sister Keri Part 3.mp4, 20210826 - 6oUIKQjvsNX3 - 8.24.21 Patriot Streetfighter Intel Update - The Shot Not Heard Round The World Yet.mp4, 20210826 - dcnTfQi5agJd - 8.24.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr. Kirk Elliot, PhD - Fed warns of US Banks Failure.mp4, 20210827 - 66MoSjlXrTIT - 8.25.21 Patriot Streetfighter Intel Update w_ Mel K.mp4, 20210827 - ZxHNaY0ECdU0 - 8.26.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview by Pryme Minister on, 20210831 - M4U6zKCQ6d44 - 8.30.21 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay 'The Tipping Point' on Revolution.Radio, Sister Keri Pt 4.mp4, 20210901 - 1emway7U9A5v - 8.31.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD., SA_Russia DUMP Petrodollar.mp4, 20210901 - bqxywTapcdA4 - 8.31.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w_ Iowa Mama Bears, Killing Iowa Mask Mandate.mp4, 20210902 - 5Cpg8qQRGsXo - 9.1.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview on the Nick Veniamen Show.mp4, 20210903 - yA8ul9ZzIr2K - 9.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter Intel Update - Calling Down The Thunder.mp4, 20210909 - YqzpQ2hyXu4A - 9.6.21 Patriot Streetfighter w_ GENE DECODE - Military Operations, Afghanistan, Secret Space Programs.mp4, 20210910 - JQz3JqlGw7OA - 9.7.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w_ Dr Lee Merritt, The Faux Pandemic.mp4, 20210911 - 8899Jlms4HuA - 9.7.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update - w_ Dr_ Kirk Elliott, PhD..mp4, 20210911 - WwtTDojctnBu - 9.8.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w_ Sean Stone - 'Best Kept Secret' Docuseries.mp4, 20210911 - oa93zMBKSAGn - 9.9.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE McKay, Jaco & Rodriguez on State of the War.mp4, 20210914 - 8gHYlPgMVP2Q - 9.10.21 Patriot Streetfighter Freelance View of 911.mp4, 20210915 - DmvlKYeOSa4K - 9.13.21 Scott McKay on 'The Tipping Point' on Revolution.Radio Studio B - Tactical Civics.mp4, 20210915 - aMslIF92TkFD - 9.14.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD.mp4, 20210916 - 1FPlCdctCjhH - 9.14.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interviews Christopher James & Gabriel Prouix.mp4, 20210916 - ayekDTr3ik7H - 9.14.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w_ Dr. Cordie Williams, 1776 Forever Free.mp4, 20210917 - VgLxKSBTxfe0 - 9.16.21 Patriot Streetfighter w_ Clay Clark & Pastor Craig Haggin, Proof of Satantic Influence-JAB.mp4, 20210917 - aVlFhIOAViFo - 9.16.21 Patriot Streetfighter FALL TOUR Promo Video.mp4, 20210918 - jjWmSEjEDqT6 - 9.17.21 Patriot Streetfighter w_ 'Bald Avenger' Jason Sisneros, Child Rescue Ops.mp4, 20210922 - hvCiTioO5daK - 9.20.21 Scott McKay on 'The Tipping Point' on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B @ 8PM - 10PM EST.mp4, 20210924 - hcbSublC16kk - 9.22.21 Patriot Streetfighter & Mel K Rain Down The Thunder On The Cabal Players.mp4, 20210924 - t44sCLFrz5hV - 9.23.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE w_ Mike Jaco & David Nino Rodriguez - PAIN IS COMING.mp4, 20210925 - 0OybY1AYwL7X - 9.24.21 Patriot Streetfighter 'ADVANCING THE FORKIN' LINE' TOUR Launch.mp4, 20210929 - Fmsh3Ig9D2Ye - 9.27.21 'The Tipping Point' on Revolution Radio, 'ADVANCING THE FORKIN' LINE' TOUR Begins.mp4, 20210929 - q3U8vFuAejQi - 9.25.21 Patriot Streetfighter Rains It Down - Clay Clark_General Flynn Health & Freedom Conference.mp4, 20211001 - owQKQzvBobPw - 9.28.21 - Doug Billings Interview w_ Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay.mp4, 20211001 - u5svTw5UaCLx - 9.28.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr Kirk Elliott, PhD Private Advisors.mp4, 20211002 - UXJ4NOmo6tWA - 9.30.21 Patriot Streetfighter 'ADVANCING THE FORKIN' LINE' TOUR Update.mp4, 20211003 - LmeOQqSbpx0J - 10.1.21 Patriot Streetfighter & NH Rhino Busters General Don Buldoc & Karen Testerman.mp4, 20211006 - QW8xvjPwfUlQ - 10.4.21 Scott McKay 'The Tipping Point' on Revolution.Radio.mp4, 20211008 - 5QoqaxJv0UL8 - 10.7.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE w_ Mike Jaco & Mel K on AMP.mp4, 20211012 - ZzrYUZIeNOAh - 10.11.21 'The Tipping Point' on Revolution Radio, Guest Jason Shurka.mp4, 20211015 - BSj9lLEnzT5s - 10.13.21 Patriot Streetfighter on Nick V TV - Pushback Emerging, PSF TOUR Update.mp4, 20211016 - HiF1v2vuWDs6 - 10.14.21 Patriot streetfighter TOUR Update & Intel Drop.mp4, 20211016 - XDjzKlvBxCL7 - 10.14.21 - Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr Kirk Elliott, PhD Private Advisors.mp4, 20211020 - 4FQLNj71qS9P - 10.18.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B.mp4, 20211020 - GcPXl0NlEs6m - 10.15.21 Patriot Streetfighter Roundtable with Nino Rodriguez and Tom Numbers.mp4, 20211020 - b1cYkfPcDf1R - 10.19.21 Patriot streetfighter w_ Flyover Conservatives Dave and Stacy Whited.mp4, 20211022 - MHqBthnUFF0B - 10.20.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr Kirk Elliott, PhD Private Advisors.mp4, 20211029 - LmDxWz3o3Zo4 - 10.25.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B.mp4, 20211029 - Xmc91GQtbuWF - 10.26.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr Kirk Elliott, PhD.mp4, 20211029 - bNEp6BCto5qx - 10.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter & Nick Veniamen talk Great Awakening Happening In America.mp4, 20211030 - ItVqXuHa0UST - 10.29.21 Patriot Streetfighter on School Board Strategy.mp4, 20211102 - 2szwwlnINRyw - 11.1.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B.mp4, 20211103 - SIW3afkrzgsT - 11.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr Kirk Elliott, PhD.mp4, 20211103 - ui5LfnkdRYwJ - 11.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter on School Board Strategy.mp4, 20211109 - 425kbesPRlxu - 11.5.21Patriot Streetfighter Interview Kelley Potenza & Dan Richard, Tyranny Under NH Gov. The whole time Trump has been in power, youve seen this relentless attack from it doesnt matter if its from the Democratic Party which is a crime syndicate the Republican Party, which is a criminal element, if its from international leaders around the world, whether its the United Nations, whether its the Vatican every piece of this global Cabal, this apparatus has been in full attack mode to take down the most existential threat that this group has ever faced and thats with the Donald Trump Presidency. Why was everyone so upset when Trump lost ? Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. No foul language 20211229 . The Rise of the Neocons ArmstrongEconomics, President Trump Speaks From West Palm Beach! For more Scott McKay content, visit the link below: FREE OR PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP:, SUBSCRIBE TO AMPINSIDER FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT, BACKSTAGE PASSES, EVENTS, AND MORE! Those who want to save their life will lose it, but those who are willing to lose their life for my name, will save it. -Jesus, It looks as though the deep state won again. At any point, when Hillary Clinton was going to come into power the NSA unrigged the election. Special Guest Brent Johnson, director of Freedom Bound International, a Common Law Service Center, dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the Declaration of Independence. as God as my witness. - May 10, 2022 . Today he hosts a radio show he created on Revolution.Radio called "The Tipping Point" where he has been branded as the Patriot Street Fighter for the people. This update covers the latest development in the election and Trumps epic war against the deep state, specifically focusing on Trumps preparation ofactivating special forces operations unitsfordomesticaction i.e. Useful Links. The country is getting reconstructed. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. He is not a quitter. Do some research, ok. Impossible. But this organization, we know theres less than ten of them inside the administrationthree are non-military. PSF LIVESTREAMS: Mon - Sat 7:00 PM EST & Tipping Point Radio: Monday 8:00 PM-10:00 PM EST. Can you prove Biden hasnt flown Air Force One? Swamp needs further draining. He had been in a near-fatal, horrific motorbike accident and spent months recovering. Revolution Radio Studio B | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn It could be Executive Orders that were written, it could be legislation, it could be photographs, it could be anything. Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. Adding to this story, news is now breaking from Sidney Powell via the Glenn Beck show. Now, everything youve seen in the Trump Presidency thats been playing out, it is a movie. US Legislators Propose Ban on Central Bank Digital Currency The Most RevolutionaryAct, Mainstream Media and Woke Companies Continue to Plunge With Financial Losses CleverJourneys, The Biden Administration is Just Insane & Should Be Removed At Once ArmstrongEconomics, How Crooked Maricopa Election Officials Controlled the 2022 Narrative CleverJourneys, While Michigan Nurses Get 16%+ Raise, Illinois Nurses Sue Hospitals for Wage Theft CleverJourneys, Woody Harrelson Sneaks Covid Vaccine Mandate Joke Onto Saturday Night Live The Most RevolutionaryAct, What Were You Thinking? !.jpg, 20210211 - ZFGN615EvL1c - 1.7.21 POST ELECTION UPDATE 17 - Monkey Business Christmas Special.jpg, 20210211 - dTPBOUmCFC0Z - 1.10.21 - The Tipping Point Radio POST ELECTION UPDATE 20 - Storm Has Arrived Insurrection Act Signed.jpg, 20210212 - 1A67TUZQOeMH - 12.13.20 POST ELECTION UPDATE # 10 - TIME TO PREPARE MILITARY PHASE.jpg, 20210212 - 8krAnR7GkRlW - 12.20.20 Post Election Update 12 - BOOM WEEK AHEAD.jpg, 20210212 - IZtnZlMxUJjq - 12.24.20 Post Election Update 12A - The Great Awakening 2020 Christmas Eve Message.jpg, 20210212 - LfLQYny9yxeG - 12.17.20 POST ELECTION UPDATE 11 - ALLIANCE MOVES INDICATE IMPENDING ACTION.jpg, 20210212 - fjU4BmM3RYiU - 12.31.20 Post Election Update 14 - NESARA NEW YEARS EVE SPECIAL.jpg, 20210212 - tnqu0P1mU31S - 12.27.20 Post Election Update 13.jpg, 20210213 - 08sOaQ7UL6pG - 2.12.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 49 - DS Nikki Haley, Dan Crenshaw, CDC -MIL Burn P.jpg, 20210213 - 3sqteCkfDAj1 - 2.11.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 48 - CDC Strikes Again, Cabal Can Hide No Longer.jpg, 20210213 - QdIM2ZZ8IRCq - 12.10.20 Post Election Update 9 - Military Mobilization Here Abroad Indicating Serious Situation.jpg, 20210213 - QiavsMLx3li4 - 2.10.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 47 - Impeachment, 75 Lies in 77 Pages.jpg, 20210215 - IVf0tuAzTNHN - 12.11.20 Post Election Update 8 - SCOTUS RULING UPDATE.jpg, 20210215 - fDHgtZxAH6i1 - Post Election Update 5.jpg, 20210215 - zGkZqYgOpgUy - Post Election Update 5A.jpg, 20210216 - 7L2STFxcPMSn - 2.14.21 Sundays w_ Cirsten W - Trump Acquitted, Republican Criminals Voted to Convict.jpg, 20210216 - AkCg16qJ0iU2 - 1.21.21 Scott McKay & Dr. Michael Salla - Secret Space Programs, Hidden Technology, Coming Disclosure.jpg, 20210216 - FcODiIQhl6NR - 11.26.20 Post Election Update 6.jpg, 20210216 - NtnJrE3oT1BW - 12.31.20 1st Encounter W_ Legendary Vacc Fighter Dr Sherry Tenpenny On Wake Up Shift Is Happening TV.jpg, 20210216 - nT3mFiRGNY1Q - Tim Gaither video podcast w Scott McKay 'The Patriot Streetfighter''.jpg, 20210217 - 2CZeeHkAJjBT - 2.16.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #51 - Space Force Quantum Financial System Control.jpg, 20210217 - 3TpeUuAmxBsA - 2.16.21 Nick Veniamen Interview with Scott McKay.jpg, 20210217 - 7LcTNyggg0NF - 1.21.21 Patriot Street Fighter, Scott Mckay & Sheila Holm ~ Don't Freak, Trust The Plan! letty67. If you ever seen the movie, The Sum of All Fears with Ben Affleck and Morgan Freeman, youll understand this. There are no reviews yet. (If youre not receiving the newsletter after subscribing or you are having issues, please send an email The only thing worse than a democrat are people like this POS who claims to have all this inside information but in reality is a false prophet. It didnt matter who was in power. My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). After leaving behind his prospective football career to attempt to become a Navy fighter pilot. Thank God, Now start Cleaning the House, Turn this Country AROUND , From To Shinola , GO TRUMP Go We Are With ya 100%. 48:42. StartPage Anna von Reitz with their names for that info. Trump served his purpose; theres a high probability that hes dead (The CIA uses body doubles all the time), or, they blackmailed him by possibly kidnapping and torturing his family into submission. So, he doesnt even respond to these comments to defend himself huh? Scott McKay Current Situation Update (January 11, 2022), Dr. James Thorp MD Obgyn Doctor The Vaccine Increased the Death Rate 25 Fold in 10 Months, Dr. Michael Salla US Air Force Colonel Leaks Coordinates of Ancient Antarctic Ruins. And I speak for countless millions who feel the same way! He says that everybody involved in this election fraud, from the highest to the lowest will be legally charged. 2.21.23 Patriot Streetfighter & Dr Christiane Northrup, Cabal Weakened, Secret Space Programs, 2.20.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, OVERWATCH Intel Update, 2.17.23 Patriot Streetfighter Econ Update with Dr Kirk Elliott, 2.16.23 Patriot Streetfighter with Cathy O'Brien, MK Ultra Survivor & "Trance Formation Of America" Author, 2.14.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Dr Bryan Ardis, Miscarriage Nightmare, Serpent Transhumanism, 2.10.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ SG Anon, Latest White Hat Operations, Turkey, 2.09.23 Patriot StreetFighter with John Michael Chambers, The Great American Coupe Of 1913, 2.07.23 Patriot StreetFighter, Economic Update, with Scott McKay and Kirk Elliott, 2.7.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Clay Clark, Aaron & KASH PATEL, Government Gangsters & The Takedown Of A President, 2.06.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Scott McKay and Steve Stern, 1.31.23 Patriot Streetfighter, Economic Update, With Kirk Elliott. Thats how the international investment banking interests got their hands on it. In a 3-year delta from Feb. 11, 2018, Q concludes: "These people are really stupid. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Can you prove he doesnt live in the White House? 2.27.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Dr Sandra & India Update, State Of Ascension with SG Anon. Not that I set out to study this cabal of international investment banking interests, because I didnt even know enough to focus there. HUGE counterattack against Democrats occurring below the radar! 42. As a motivational speaker and radio show host, he projects his energy . Well, we have! Theyve infiltrated the church, made the innocent look evil and evil look innocent. The Shows. Scott is not only a patriot,but an intelligent and informed patriot.. We should be thankful and grateful for having people like Scott amongst us. In case you missed a great broadcast with Dr. Sandra and SG Anon! So few realise that the EU is a Globalist Organisation, set up by the daughter, whom no-one knew Hilter had. Sad that people have chosen con men over reality.. Hey Jose, can you explain why Biden does not fly Air Force One or live in the White House I posted your narrative to my friends in the tomorrow, along with your link and for the first time in a long time, I received a secretive thumbs-up! Standing with you by praying for our President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. This podcast is the guy whose video Lin Wood put on Parler. being a Michigander could you please expound on this statement?(Who really saved America in the nick of time? WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?????? Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. The third patriot message for today is from myself, in the form of an emergency update from midnight, last night. . Thank you for your show,this is my first one I heard.God Bless everyone PRAY FOR MR.TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY and MR.PENCE AND FAMILY. Obama took us to the brink. sounds good Scotthope youre right! Some of what Prather talks about in this video: The next patriot we want to bring to your attention is Scott McKay from The Tipping Point Radio. Thank you. Moving forward, over the next number of years, by the time we hit about 1910, -11 or -12, we had sold enough bonds to be able to have money to run the Government and the Rothschild central bankers bought up all of these bonds and when it came time to pay the bonds, about 1910, 1911, [the US government] couldnt. She was mop-up operations. . FutherMore with Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood: The Patriot Listen to him carefully. God and Prayer. Now, what happened was military intelligence intercepted a 16-year plan by the Cabal to take down the United States; eight years of Obama and then eight years of Hillary Clinton to finish us off. If SCOTUS mandates un-certification in both GA/PA then perhaps what youre saying can happen. The Tipping Point: Scott McKay. Elon Musk DEFENDS Scott Adams against WOKE CancelCulture!!! Patriot Streetfighter 'Tipping Point Radio' | January 24th, 2022 1.10.23 Patriot Streetfighter, Freelance View Of 2023, 1.10.23 Patriot Streetfighter, Economic Update, With Scott McKay and Kirk Elliott, 1.9.23 Scott McKay on "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, OVERWATCH Intel Update, 1.7.23 Patriot Streetfighter, VA Hospital Veteran Murders, 01.06.23 Patriot Streetfighter with James Grundvig, Covid Truth Bombs with Dr. Ted Fogarty, 01.05.23 Patriot Streetfighter with James Grundvig, The World Burns with Maryam Henein, 1.5.23 Patriot Streetfighter, "We The People" Have The Weapon To Eliminate Their Power, 1.5.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Clay Clark, WEF 4th Industrial Revolution, Internet Of Bodies, 01.03.23 Patriot Streetfighter with Host James Grundvig, The Cabal Parasites with Dr. Lee Merritt, 01.03.23 Patriot Streetfighter, Economic Update, with Scott McKay and Kirk Elliott.
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