Time will tell. It was a freaky cold spring zone 5a - extended periods of -20 and probably a bit below that. The leaves would wilt during late afternoon from the blast of west sun. USDA Zone 4 - 9 (-30F/-34.4C) Whether or whether you should be concerned about deer eating your plants will depend on a number of environmental factors. Shop This Shop This Tuff Stuff Mountain Hydrangea Height x Width: 2 - 3' Tall x 3' Wide However, cold climate gardeners will likely find that they have much better success getting flowers every year on mountain hydrangeas than they do on bigleaf hydrangeas. Being small doesn't impact the toughness if this plant either. The color may range from a soft blue to pale pink depending on your soil ph. {%- if image.width > 180 -%}{{ image.src | img_url: '180x' }} 180w {{ 180 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} This little hydrangea maintains its immaculate appearance all season because to its sturdy branches, a profusion of blooms, and lovely mauve-pink hue. I planted three of these on the north side of a cedar fence where they get sun and shade in the location. {% if tag contains 'discontinued' %} or option.name contains 'Height' {% if v.option1 == variant.option1 and v.option2 == variant.option2 and v.option3 == value %} {%- if image.width >= 3024 -%}{{ image | img_url: '3024x' }} 3024w{%- endif -%} A variety called H. s. Tuff StuffTM produces flowers on both old and new wood. This not only adds beauty to the winter landscape but also guarantees that the buds that will bloom the following spring are not removed. They will be 2ft x 2 ft eventually - right now they are 12x12+ and the smaller ones planted in direct sun 6x6 - not shown. . Any chewing that is seen typically does not require management of any kind. We encourage all plant lovers to purchase the Plant Addicts Warranty whether youre new or an expert. Never got to see a bloom. {%- if image.width > 2592 -%}{{ image.src | img_url: '2592x' }} 2592w {{ 2592 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} If deer are an issue in your area, protect plants with a repellent or netting to ensure you get a good bloom. {%- if image.width > 2160 -%}{{ image.src | img_url: '2160x' }} 2160w {{ 2160 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} Actually, because of their small size of 2- to 3-foot height and 3- to 4-foot width, and full, rounded growth habit, Tuff Stuff hydrangeas rarely need any pruning at all. Our goal is that you are successful with our plants (and gardening in general), so our expert staff is here to assist you with any problem you may experience.Any plant shipped dormant in spring is guaranteed to break dormancy, even if it takes longer than 60 days. The blooms tip down in a distinctive arching fashion and the shrub's narrow leaves and an abundance of flowers cover the plant every summer. They flourish in hardiness zone 6, and their blossoms can be purple, blue, or pink. We ship plants with hefty root systems that outperform smaller plants obtained from other mail-order nurseries. The foliage is lovely as well. The ideal amount of sunlight or shade for each plant to thrive is: Part sun (four to six hours), full shade, and full sun (up to 4 hours). or option.name contains 'Thickness' Did we mention that Tiny Tuff Stuff pumps out color all summer long? There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Once they are a little stronger I'll start selecting every other one to put in other long term places - I'll choose somewhere west that has great morning sun and protection in the afternoon heat since that seems to have worked for them. This is a real beauty, with flowers so delicate and refined that it seems strange to call them tough - but they are. To create an idea board, sign in or create an account. Pruning is generally not needed, but the plant may be shaped immediately after the first bloom of the season. Warm regards Living up to its name, Tiny Tuff Stuff is the smallest mountain hydrangea we grow, reaching just 1.5-2 tall and wide, eliminating the need to prune or trim this shrub to manage its size. They must get enough water and plant food. {%- if image != blank -%} I do not mulch them extra for winter, though they have their regular summer mulch of shredded, dried leaves. On aged wood, the majority of Hydrangea serrata types bloom. Decrease Quantity of Tiny Tuff Stuff Hydrangea, Increase Quantity of Tiny Tuff Stuff Hydrangea. Please note: our guarantee does not cover plants grown outside of their recommended growing zones. We may ask for photos for documentation purposes but again well try to make it as easy as possible. {% if product.type == 'Shrubs & Trees' %} This figure is normally given as a range; for example, 3-5. Early summer is a riot of color thanks to the deep pink lacecap flowers, and the plant keeps blooming until the first frost. This page allows you to manage and add wishlist items directly to the cart. The semi-double to double florets start out with a creamy core hue before developing into a vivid pink color. The flowers are irresistible, their unusual lacecap form making them look delicate (ha!) It shares the showy blooms and beautiful pink or purple color of big-leaf hydrangeas, but because it grows wild on the chilly. * Maintenance: No pruning is required if the size is acceptable. Disappointing to not have blooms. They are 3 to 5 feet tall and feature lovely light green blossoms that eventually become light pink. Great for indoor decorating as their flowers are easily dried. Deep, bright blues typically result from a pH below 5.0, however as the pH rises, blooms can range from blue to lavender to mauve to a vivid deep pink at pH 7.0. {%- for image in images offset: imgOffset -%} Fertilize the plant in early spring before growth starts to emerge. Once your plant is shipped youll receive an email with tracking information. This hydrangea is gorgeous, I get so many compliments on it! Pair with any blue-leafed hosta or the brunnera Sea Heart or Silver Heart for excellent companions. Don't let the dainty flowers and elegant leaves fool you. Small, rounded habit gives Tuff Stuff Red extra versatility in the landscape - grow it as a foundation planting, low hedge, edging, or specimen. Blue to purple/lavender colors develop in acidic soils that contain aluminum, and pink/red colors in other conditions. No significant diseases or pests. After 60 days, we cannot be responsible for product that is in your care. If your plant consistently gets powdery mildew in its spot, consider moving it.Leaf spots like alternaria and cercospora can develop on mountain hydrangeas, though this is generally less likely than on bigleaf types due to the reduced leaf surface. I hope they survive the winter or I will be asking for a refund. Mountain hydrangeas bloom on old and new wood, and as such, pruning should be avoided. This year it is coming in very vigorously and very healthy, Can't wait for the show to begin. or option.name contains 'Depth' Signup to receive promotions and gardening tips. Buy now for free shipping over $130! It shares the showy blooms and beautiful pink or purple color of big-leaf hydrangeas, but because it grows wild on the chilly mountain tops instead of the mild seaside, it naturally developed substantially better cold tolerance. Deep pink Tuff Stuff blooms in alkaline soil and purple-blue Tuff Stuff blooms in acidic soil. {% endif %} Deer are habitual and will often revisit the same food sources time and time again. One of my favorite types of little hydrangeas is the little lime kind (Hydrangea paniculata). They are amongst the very first plants in my yard to start budding and opening leaves in spring. We are sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with your order. Mountain hydrangea known as Tiny Tuff StuffTM (Hydrangea serrata). Remove any dead wood from all kinds in the early spring. Guessed wrong. Very pleased this was my first time ordering direct and very pleased. {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} These plants are already small, and grow in a mounding habit naturally. All orders must be placed within the same ship week. Here is what I did to get them established and flourishing. Details: Name: Hydrangea serrata'MAKD' pp#24,842, cbr#5125 Hardiness:USDA zones 4-9 Height x width:2-3' tall and wide Light:Full to part sun. Because all of the mountain hydrangeas we offer are rebloomers, you may wish to make additional applications monthly through late July to encourage the vigorous growth that results in the rapid development of abundant new wood flower buds. If you want pink flowers but your soil is acidic, all you have to do is add lime to boost the pH and use a balanced fertilizer. Photos of the plant(s) will be required so that we may provide the best assistance possible. This technique also works well for bigleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) and oakleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea quercifolia).For more information on pruning download our Pruning Demystified guide https://www.provenwinners.com/learn/garden-maintenance/pruning-demystifiedSo pretty, it's hard to believe it's so tough!But indeed, Tuff Stuff mountain hydrangea lives up to its name. Thank you for making these available to me to purchase, they are already giving me joy before coming into their real abilities. If you do prune, you run the risk of cutting off flower buds for next year's blooming season. Please contact us immediately for any damaged boxes or shortages. As far as I am concerned this is the perfect small shrub. First, the mulch helps protect the shallow roots in cold climates. We love Hydrangea serrata because they are so bud hardy and bloom reliably. {% assign discontinued = '' %} The compact size of Tuff Stuff Hydrangeas make it the perfect plant to fit in tight areas in the landscape. Uses:A classic choice for including in gardens and landscaping, it also makes a nice choice for low hedges and containers. We guarantee our shrubs for one year after purchase. {% endunless %} Arrived healthy and is doing well. We do recommend trimming off dead branches and leaves throughout the year. When planted I supplemented the soil with worm castings and organic fertilizer. Though mountain hydrangeas suffer if grown in wet soils, they can also become drought stressed readily and should be watered regularly. This means that although deer prefer other plants, they will eat hydrangeas if they are really hungry. FYI readers. Mountain hydrangeas are a fantastic alternative for locations with late winter cold snaps because they have hardier buds and do well in hardiness zone 5. They are making themselves at home and flourishing. So far plants are doing great. (neutral). Smooth Hydrangea Photo credit: Rosie Lerner / Purdue Extension Hydrangea species If you've had trouble getting big-leaf hydrangeas to bloom reliably in your landscape, try Tuff Stuff - it's the reblooming hydrangea that really does.It is hardy to USDA zones 5 - 9 (-20F/-28.9C) and will grow to be 2-3' (.6-.9m) tall and wide.For more information on Tuff Stuff mountain hydrangea visit https://www.provenwinners.com/plants/hydrangea/tuff-stuff-reblooming-mountain-hydrangea-hydrangea-serrataHave questions about this or another Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrub? {%- capture image_widths -%} I highly recommend Plant Addicts. {% elsif product.options_with_values.size == 2 and optionIndex == 1%} {% for discount in tier.discount %} {%- if image.width > 3024 -%}{{ image.src | img_url: '3024x' }} 3024w {{ 3024 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} Tuff Stuff resembles a conventional lacecap-type hydrangea, but instead of the more prevalent lower-elevation, big-leaf hydrangea, it is a mountain hydrangea species that is endemic to colder hilltops and flowers much more consistently (Hydrangea macrophylla). {% assign checked = "" %} Mophead hydrangea flower buds may not endure the winter since they are susceptible to the cold. Jennie. Just make sure it has plenty of water. I have been a Master Gardener since 2009 and believe these shrubs to be well-place and cared for. It is a great choice for those looking for a low-maintenance plant that can provide structure and color to the landscape. Tiny Tuff Stuff So you could potentially cut off flower buds for the next blooming season. Fertilizer/Soil and pH: For some cultivars, the color of the flowers is influenced by the soils pH; blossoms in low pH (acidic soils) will be blue, while those in higher pH will be pink. The blooms will be more lavender or pink in acidic soils, and blue in soils with less pH. Tuff Stuff ships in 4.5 inch quart and 1 gallon containers. With a mounding growth habit, this cultivar tops out at 18 to 24 inches tall, with a similar spread, making it ideal for growing in small spaces or in containers. {% assign imgOffset = 1 %} Hopefully I'll be able to update later this year with a happy story. {%- if image.width >= 375 -%}{{ image | img_url: '375x' }} 375w,{%- endif -%} Thought Hydrangea were pretty deer resistant. Even though it was June they look great and the deer (knock on wood) have not eaten them. Guide to Growing Climbing Hydrangea + False Hydrangea Vine, https://www.greatgardenplants.com/pages/our-guarantee, https://www.greatgardenplants.com/collections/deer-resistant. Maybe you've never heard of a mountain hydrangea (H. serrata), but you've almost certainly seen one - they are close cousins of the better-known bigleaf hydrangeas and have the same colorful flowers and similar-looking foliage. {%- if image.width > 720 -%}{{ image.src | img_url: '720x' }} 720w {{ 720 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} {% endif %} {% assign count = count | plus: 1 %}, {% if foundZoneData %} A PROVEN WINNERS COLORCHOICE Flowering Shrub. You can stow it away in any location in your yard because to its diminutive size. I'm loving everything about them this year. Pruning: Blooms on old and new wood; do not trim or cut back, but dead wood may be removed in early spring. Truly one of my favorite plants. 2023, Great Garden Plants. I loved them so much I ordered some other hydrangeas as well. {% assign inventory_quantity = inventory_quantity | plus: v.inventory_quantity %} This bush blooms on old and new wood, and continues to produce flowers all through the growing season. {%- if image.width > 540 -%}{{ image.src | img_url: '540x' }} 540w {{ 540 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} You may safely remove any dead or very old/non-productive stems at the base to increase air flow and enhance the plant's habit. {% endfor %} Browned flower heads can always be removed using scissors. {% assign available = false %} These shrubs should be planted 18 to 24 inches apart, center on center. {{ foundZoneData.grow_zone }} Plants are very resilient and will rebound quickly when cared for correctly. They will be 2ft x 2 ft eventually - right now they are 12x12+ and the smaller ones planted in direct sun 6x6 - not shown. Plant this shrub in a location that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight. 23% Off Sitewide: Use Code PREORDER2023 . {%- if image.width > 2592 -%}{{ image.src | img_url: '2592x' }} 2592w {{ 2592 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} Bigleaf hydrangeas, also known as Hydrangea macrophylla, are the most popular variety of hydrangea. Using the larger number is recommended when calculating distance from a building or structure. Little Honey is a diminutive deciduous hydrangea with white blooms and vivid yellow foliage that becomes red just before the leaves drop off. Fertilize with Proven Winners Continuous Release Plant Food in spring and mid-spring. In actuality, NO vegetation are resistant to deer. Fertilize with Proven Winners Continuous Release Plant Food in spring. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. HOPEFULLY they we "testing the waters" and will leave it alone now. They flourish in hardiness zone 6, just like mophead hydrangeas do. Each summer, hundreds of lacecap blooms cover the plant, thanks to its increased hardiness over its close cousin, the bigleaf hydrangea. Aluminum availability in the soil is dependent on pH; in acidic soils, aluminum is more easily obtainable, which contributes to the blue hue of the flowers. {%- if image.width >= 750 -%}{{ image | img_url: '750x' }} 750w,{%- endif -%} Hydrangea serrata Tuff Stuff (Mountain Hydrangea) is a compact, rounded, deciduous shrub laden with delicate lacecap flowers in summer and early fall. The afternoon shade is useful in hotter areas. Keep the soil continuously moist for the first year to help the roots take hold, and then soak it once a week during hot, dry spells. Failed to grow for me last year, which was okay & somewhat expected for a new plant. These arrived during a heatwave and I was worried, but they were fine. {% endcapture %}, {% capture DiscountGroup %}1{% endcapture %} We do recommend trimming off dead or sick branches as-needed throughout the year. Prune only the dead wood in the spring. Soil will affect bloom color. To learn more about soil testing in your area, we advise you to contact your cooperative extension service. I sent pictures in to Richard to review waiting for a reply. {% if variant.options[optionIndex] == value%}{% assign checked = "checked" %}{% endif %}, {% capture add_to_cart %}Neptune.cart.add({ id:{{ variant.id | json }}, quantity:{{ variant.quantity }}, properties:{ '_growingzone':['4a', '4b', '5a', '5b', '6a', '6b', '7a', '7b', '8a', '8b', '9a', '9b'],'shipping_exclusions':''} }, '.atcprod-{{ variant.id }}', { quantity: {{ variant.quantity }}, image: '//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0472/6394/0775/products/Hydrangea_Tiny_Tuff_Stuff_2P.jpg?v=1608001990', title: 'Tiny Tuff Stuff Mountain Hydrangea', option: 'One Quart' }); return false;{% endcapture %} The only time Tuff Stuff hydrangea should be pruned is in the spring, when the stems start to sprout new growth. {%- if image.width > 900 -%}{{ image.src | img_url: '900x' }} 900w {{ 900 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%} The Tuff StuffTM series of reblooming hydrangeas are the ones that live up to their promise if youve had uneven results with H. macrophylla. Find plants you love and create idea boards for all your projects. {%- endcapture -%}. 1-gallon shrubs are 6-24inches tall at shipment, Quart shrubs are 5-8 inches tall at shipment. Share your public wishlist on social media, through links, and via custom email. {% capture thumbRepsonsive %} Warm regards Our team of gardeners is standing by to help! Because most mountain hydrangeas on the market are relatively recent introductions, you'll tend to see smaller sizes - all of the ones that we offer are under 3' tall. It reaches 3 to 4 feet (90 to 120 cm) tall. Notify me when this product is available: Tiny Tuff Stuff is a very hardy hydrangea that produces blue flowers in acidic soil and pink in more alkaline soil. I grew this last year in a container all summer and it bloomed like crazy. The warranty is purchased on a per plant basis and must be purchased at the same time as the plant purchase. But indeed, Tuff Stuff mountain hydrangea lives up to its name. Jennie. Mulch plants in the middle of spring when the soil has warmed up to retain moisture and moderate soil temperatures. Extremely bud-hardy, each year it produces abundant lacecap flowers comprised of doubled sepals which appear on both old and new wood. Bigleaf hydrangeas come in three different varieties: True to its name, the bigleaf hydrangeas trait that sets it apart from other hydrangea varieties is the size of its leaves. Performance & security by Cloudflare. We reserve the right to request a return of an item. It is an extremely reliable, producing flowers consistently every year, from summer to early fall, in zones 5 to 9. {% assign DiscountGroup = DiscountGroup | plus: 0 %} Serrata, sometimes known as mountain hydrangeas. {%- if image.width >= 1780 -%}{{ image | img_url: '1780x' }} 1780w,{%- endif -%} HOPEFULLY they we "testing the waters" and will leave it alone now. Thought Hydrangea were pretty deer resistant. Spend $100.00 more and get free shipping! The first time I fed them they produced a thick cover of pink lilac colored flowers , re blooming later in summer a smaller show of flowers. {%- if image.width > 1728 -%}{{ image.src | img_url: '1728x' }} 1728w {{ 1728 | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}h,{%- endif -%}
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