The list organizes for every hour since an administrator creates the package and program deployment. Expand Databases and right click SCCM database and select New Query. Displays the total time that it took to successfully complete a specified task sequence on a specified computer. Displays the number of computers inventoried by processor speed. Displays a list of the destination computers for the specified task sequence deployment that is in the specified deployment state. . Displays the number of computers inventoried by each sound card type. Displays a list of computers that have a specified video card. Displays the mobile devices that completed enrollment with Configuration Manager, have a certificate, but failed to complete site assignment. Displays the maximum number of users who concurrently ran each metered software program during the specified month and year. 2. Displays general information about Windows servicing for a specific collection. Posted 6 years ago 36019 views. Application management in Configuration Manager includes many built-in reports to monitor information about applications and deployments. Displays computers with installed software that users haven't used for a specified period of time. The only real lead this would be providing was that we had a challenge, as "Program rejected (wrong platform . Displays the number of users who ran programs during each month for the past year, and that match the specified software metering rule. The following 12 reports are listed under the Status Messages category. This report contains detailed information about communication issues on mobile devices that are managed by the Configuration Manager client for Windows CE. Displays the weekly progress of a task sequence, starting from the deployment date. To limit the amount of information returned, you can specify the vendor and software update classification. Possesses strong understanding of multiple OS platforms and deployments. For example, the Error compliance state includes the following subcategories: When more than one compliance state applies for an application deployment, you can see the aggregate state that represents the lowest compliance. In endpoint management, the less you're noticed by end users, the better that you're doing at your Werea Microsoft Partner with multiple Gold and Silver proficiencies. Displays a list of the status messages created in the last hour by a specified component on a specified computer at a specified site. Displays the number of computers inventoried by operating system and service pack combinations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The following three reports are listed under the Company Resource Access category. Displays a list of computers running Remote Access Server. Displays a list of computers reporting fatal errors by computer name. This report lists all computers with a specified Windows app. Here is a list of these built-in reports: List of reports - Configuration Manager | Microsoft Docs You are first presented with a gridview list of all current app deployments. Displays all of the package and program deployments at this site. Displays all user device associations for the specified collection, and groups the results by collection type (for example, user or device). There is even a status message viewer built right into the console so these messages can be . Deployment: Operating System: List of devices and operating system deployment statistics in . Steve is a father, husband, Franciscan, and lover of technology. The following seven reports are listed under the Wake On LAN category. Displays a list of computers that were unknown at the time they ran a task sequence deployment, and whether they're now known computers. Displays a list of devices or users that haven't yet reported any compliance data for a specified configuration baseline. Displays total site data replication traffic on a specified link for a specified number of days. Displays state migration information for a specified computer. Displays a list of computers where a specified Microsoft product that supports per-processor licensing is installed. The following four reports are listed under the Hardware - CD-ROM category. The following 22 reports are listed under the Compliance and Settings Management category. Using a SQL query, you can find SCCM application deployment details with following steps: Launch the SQL Server Management studio (SSMS) and connect to database engine. Refer to the following documentation to understand the basic. Displays all maintenance windows that are applicable to the specified client. Displays detailed summary information for all application deployments. Displays detailed information about client assignment status. Displays a list of computers in a specified Workgroup or domain. Displays health summary information for mobile devices that are managed by the Configuration Manager client for Windows CE. The following 19 reports are listed under the Site - Client Information category. Software Deployment Software Systems Management Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) SCCM 2012 sccm SCCM Reporting. By clicking the three vertical dot menu on the right side of the application row, you have the option for either ' deployment' or 'delete'. I am trying to get detailed progress messages of a Deployment that deploys a Task sequence, using Powershell. When clicking on a number, you are sent to the Deployment - Application report. Hi, My Name is Ankit Shukla, and I have been working in IT since 2012. Displays the objects that depend on a collection of the source hierarchy. Displays categories for a specified driver. 1. Displays a summary of the last 1000 error, warning, and informational component status messages for a specified computer. Open the SQL Management Studio. Displays the number of computers discovered by Configuration Manager client version. (starting in version 1806). Displays driver catalog matching report for computers in a specified collection with a specified device. Use the right-click menu on either a group of clients in a Category or a single client in the Asset details pane to display the client notification actions. Displays the number of Configuration Manager clients installed by site code. Again, select the same dataset and click next. In addition to improvements in performance and layout, the console now supports a quicker way to monitor application deployments. Displays application infrastructure errors. Displays all drivers for a specified platform. Displays the overall progress of all task sequence deployments. Identifies and displays sales channel for inventoried Microsoft Volume License software. Displays the overall compliance data for a software update group. SmartDeploy Alternatives, Competitors & Similar Software. Displays the number of computers that have collected software inventory for a specified file. Display a summary of all the files inventoried on a specified computer. Displays overview information about client assignment status. It also shows the last times the client inventoried the computer. Displays a detailed list of inactive clients for a given collection. Displays all computers with specified software configured to automatically run. Displays a summary of the communication methods used by clients (HTTP or HTTPS). Get-CMAppDeploymentReport -ChooseFromGrid -DetailType Both -OutputType Text. In these years have worked on different features of this tool, including Migration/designing the infrastructure/OSD/Custom SQL Reporting/Client-Side troubleshooting, and others. It searches based on the following criteria: product name, publisher, or version. If you need to see more items, use Configuration Manager reports to review application status data. Displays all mobile devices with their specified amount of free program memory. Displays information about rules in a deployed configuration item that conflict with other rules. For more information about how to configure reporting in Configuration Manager, see Introduction to reporting. Displays the history of certificates issued by the certificate registration point to users and devices for the specified date range. Displays all computers in a specified enforcement state for a specified software update. Status messages, by contrast, work to help administrators track the flow of data through various SCCM components. Status Displays summary information about the services on a specified computer. Displays summary information for all application deployments. Displays all the resources in a specified collection. The report doesnt use Role based config, unsure if the GUID one will work. If no record is returned, the task sequence hasn't started on the computer. Planning and Deploying Applications and Updates to Win7 x64 and Win10 x64 to be deployed out to end-users via SCCM 2012r2 utilizing the application model with Software Center. The first scenario involves Configuration Manager and Intune co-managed Windows 10 devices and MSI and Win32 apps. Displays all software update deployments that are deployed to a specified computer. Its lawyers provide litigation and other dispute resolution . Displays all computers in a collection that have a specified overall compliance state against a software update group. Im going to show you a new approach to getting deployment status out of SCCM. Historical: View all software inventory for a specific machine. These rules are for locally installed software, or using Terminal Services. Displays information about a specified distribution point group. Displays the mobile device compliance details for a default Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy that is configured by using the Exchange Server connector. 3. Displays computers that failed to install drivers for a specified collection. Displays computers with a specified operating system. Displays the power management capabilities of computers in the specified collection. It was not located in the "In Progress" or "Error" tabs and ultimately found it in the "Requirements Not Met" tab. Displays information about all mobile device clients. On the General tab, give the new task a name, e.g. Displays a list of all software metering rules at the site. The following six reports are listed under the Endpoint Protection category. Displays information about all the issues reported by clients. Displays the peer cache sources that rejected to serve content based on a condition. Status of Configuration Manager update within hierarchy: Clients with a network location associated to multiple sites are only counted as installed if they're reporting to that site.